Existing translations to Šamhešmi

Translation Original Šamhešmi Interlinear? Translator
Cogito ergo sum
I think, therefore I am
Aćam śa ha tjah.
Yes Anonymous
bye $
Pere $e!
Yes Anonymous
Fiat Lingua!
fiat lingua!
Hama šam!
Yes Anonymous
Fight linguistic extinction!
Fight linguistic extinction. Invent a language!
Êtâphok zâkhêhî šemi. Ees šamû shihrima!
Yes Anonymous
hello $
Eśrep $e!
Yes Anonymous
Look on my works, ye Mighty
Ozymandias Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command Tell that its sculptor well those passions read Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things, The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed. And on the pedestal these words appear: “My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!” Nothing beside remains. Round the decay Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare The lone and level sands stretch far away.
Azôfšôm hfiśajfû îz śejtraak shuńon, ša kêm tizetikse shugot us kopmu mezna ho namahak. Tatrô ho hafak, untuš môt sot mazna pres shiprak sja meirsej fońu humu zâp shiswaj tsêńê tsoposmu shusroh ûš gâr mezefšat hfitak fôšûtû hno sja nis meter hnoj tuzoćot âho shikziśrepak hnu, šo mutâk sja mezefśag hnoju tśiak sja môzôûrôk. Masej zenri ho śothuâk, tsenaš hnu. Âot Mâzjâpos-tan-hrasmi taramit taramitmi. Emes hfûzjakûkô î fêćêrî tjahmi sû okmuh! Meter kzahapzi zenri. Ok feprakak khumu shugot hno, ugkzutuń imah mâćîn haf shuut shipat umomon.
Yes Anonymous
On knowing and not knowing
He who knows not and knows not he knows not He is a fool. Shun him. He who knows not and knows he knows not He is a student. Teach him. He who knows and knows not he knows He is asleep. Wake him. He who knows and knows he knows He is wise. Follow him.
Kzîshîmîr kzîshîmîr kzîkmâmîrî huz hfûmôsû. Eńet hi îz hunâk. Kzîshîmîr shîmîr kzîkmâmîrî huz hfisehra. Eirsehra hunu. Shîmîr kzîshîmîr kmâmîrî huz hfûnûn. Ôûrtran hunu. Shîmîr shîmîr kmâmîrî huz hfizjaćakaj. Eśañ hunu.
No Anonymous
The Tower of Babel
And all the earth had one language and one tongue. And it came about that in their wandering from the east, they came to a stretch of flat country in the land of Shinar, and there they made their living-place. And they said one to another, Come, let us make bricks, burning them well. And they had bricks for stone, putting them together with sticky earth. And they said, Come, let us make a town, and a tower whose top will go up as high as heaven; and let us make a great name for ourselves, so that we may not be wanderers over the face of the earth. And the Lord came down to see the town and the tower which the children of men were building. And the Lord said, See, they are all one people and have all one language; and this is only the start of what they may do: and now it will not be possible to keep them from any purpose of theirs. Come, let us go down and take away the sense of their language, so that they will not be able to make themselves clear to one another. So the Lord God sent them away into every part of the earth: and they gave up building their town. So it was named Babel, because there the Lord took away the sense of all languages and from there the Lord sent them away over all the face of the earth.
Muzośor âru szaśejtra tšamah mak tetmašah mak. Aš pâń kmamahejak îz feshajak, mezefšite kmafšôm gwanû ho śejtraak šinarak, sû muzomâsuz hro. Muzośor âru tosmor će tosmorâk, ša aj ehejtak âzêću sû ćetarš henri am sû ha âzêć oš kop, hînâk šêj oš maštô. Muzośor sûrû ša aj ehejtak kosu uktâgozu hešak sû ort humu ho ajzak, orm ćeiršite fotu hešak pfâ êhîkzugâjšîhâfkâr hen szaśejtraak, am. Aš ćazećet ijahwe šuro pfâ ćagajšihmes kosu uktâgozu sja mizeftak hit smormu hnoju. Ćâzośor âru ijahwe ša huz misfat negkhet sû ha tšam mak hînâk hjan mimakôsśô ûjhjan šuhzurš hînî â kzahapziak sja migajšihćam â kmakôsśôak. Aj ehejafćet šuru orm ćehaûn šamû hîmî hro pfâ mikzûgajšihšat šamû tosmor će tosmorâk, am. Ćâzêfurâfkâr ijahwe hînî îzrê hen szaśejtraak, sro hjan mizekôftak kosu. Moot kos pafer ńun met hro ćazefhaûn ijahwe šamû szaśejtrami ijmet îzrê ćêurâfkâr ijahwe hînî hen szaśejtraak.
Yes Anonymous
We are humans
We are humans and we are from Earth.
Tjeh smur tjeh sûrû îz êrzâk.
Yes Anonymous
Travelphrases 1
Where is my room?
Ptatûgoz tjahmi hrej?
Yes Anonymous
#5: From the book of chaos
Recite the book of the primal chaos: The essence of the sea of chaos is contending things, so that they remain still, and do not move. When a magician dips from this sea, the chaos begins to move very much. Beautiful chaos! Thou art full of endless bits of information; thou art the world.
Ośor feizeti fehaûmi ûrfa. Aja mumu fehaûmi huz pzi î shîtâphok. Majemim ńun aš majekzihej. Tem mokut hfitawma îz mumâk hnu, memahej fehaûn gât. Fehaûne shiprim! Hâpowm nećantanû kzushutuń. Nur huz sisirfes.
Yes Anonymous