There are currently 31 different badges to be earned

Early bird (14) Joined prior to June 08, 2008.
Translator (226) Has added at least one translation beyond a greeting.
Ring master (3) Have provided the starter text for at least one ring of a relay.
Autobiographer (75) Filled out all the fields in the profile.
Developer (2) Develops CALS, and/or runs the server.
Connoisseur (72) Has starred at least one thing.
Torchbearer (9) Has participated in a relay, and the torch is online.
Relay master (4) Has conducted a translation relay.
Yearling (193) Joined more than a year ago and is still active.
CIV IV-fan (7) Has translated all 20 commands from CIV IV.
Bughunter (26) Reported a bug in a useful manner.
Dreamer (13) Has asked for (and received) improvements.
Test Bunny (2) Patiently submitted to scary tests of more or less experimental widgets, gadgets and doodads.
Nudger (61) Has sent at least one private message.
Conlanger (656) Has edited or managed at least one language.
Timetraveller (61) Uses the Internet of the future to visit the Internet of today.
Phonetician (5) Is not afraid to voice opinions about sounds
Went Dutch, 2011 (9) Attended LCC4, in person
Old Hand (136) Joined more than two years ago and is still active.
Boomerang (346) Came, saw, made a user, did some stuff, then even came back later
Regular (105) Cheers! Three years and still hanging around
London Calling, 2014 (5) Attended London conlangers meetup 2014
Horshing about, 2015 (16) Attended LCC6 in Horsham, England
Research Librarian (4) Indiana Jones was an amateur.
##conlanger (1) Hangs about in ##conlang@freenode
Ghostbuster (1) Who you gonna call?
Sauna Madness, 2017 (6) Attended WorldCon 75 in Helsinki, Finland
Cambered out, 2019 (10) Attended LCC8 in Cambridge, UK
Ulysseiad, 2019 (4) Attended the meetup during WorldCon 2019 in Dublin, Ireland.