SV is prevalent in standard clauses, in non-emphatic constructions:
talśon tal-se
[book read-PASS]
"The book is read."
However, with pronouns, a suffix is added and the independent pronoun is dropped, leading to what is arguably VS order:
"You're seen."
In almost all emphatic constructions, however, <de> (the epicene pronoun) replaces the pre-verbal argument slot, and the noun itself is postponed after the verb, usually with a demonstrative suffix.
de tal-se talśon-des
[it read-PASS book-that]
"The BOOK is read." (Literally, "It is read, that book."
This is distinguished from "That book is read", a standard clause which retains rigid SV word order:
talśon-des tal-se
book-THAT read-PAS
"That book is read."