Only /s z/ contrast.
The plosives have an aspiration contrast, with voiced plosives as allophones.
Zorillo has no voiced plosives - by Early Middle Zorillo b moved to /β/, d to /ð/ and g to /ɣ/; by Early Modern Zorillo, /β/ and /w/, /ɣ/ and /ʁ/ respectively had merged, leaving only <d> (/ð/) as a trace of the former system.
The voiced stops [b], [d], [g] appear only in loanwords and can be devoiced.
Voicing contrasts only exist for the labial, alveolar, and alveolopalatal fricatives.
/ɣ/ and /ʁ/ have weak friction.
/f, s, x/ vs /v, z, ɣ/.