Translation of "The snake and the farmer" (Fables)
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Original: | In the house of a certain farmer there lived a snake who regularly came to the table and was fed on scraps of food. Not long afterwards the farmer grew rich, but then he became angry at the snake and tried to attack him with an axe. The farmer then lost his wealth and he realized that he had prospered because of the good luck he had gained from the snake before having wounded him. The farmer then begged the snake to forgive him for his evil deed, and the snake replied, "You are sorry for what you have done, but you must not expect me to be your faithful friend until this scar heals. It is not possible for me to be truly reconciled to you until all thought of that treacherous axe has left my mind." |
Translation: | Baginumb fumrinder rum samwi sehis nu de rum fangi nulbendó binga ir mon nolo omalar wemumil imo mawu. Moméro libwáro, fumind rum mombiln hendasriró pa, sal rum mondel rari iro sehis bwerahar ir tabi fwatwil sal ebrupar. Fumind rum fri henda gwéro ir sal brombwa omahem sul rum alpar sehis de rum nolo momre rondlelil sal ingó nung fumind ungise sal. Fumind rum breron sehis imo morten lobos sul ir, sehis rum rama, "Emb mondel sildo iro nawir lem pa, emb bren monge ingó nung ungi bli mombiln sonuló surngung emb wan wiri merileni pinumb lohar le. Ar wan morten dlegur la dermetar wurle surngung pin rel engombe im mosne fwatilum endermigo." |
Interlinear: | bagin-umb fumrind-er rum samwi sehis house-LOC farmer-PROX PST dwell snake nu de rum fangi nulbend-ó binga ir REL PROG PST go dinner_table-ALL often and mon nolo omalar wemum-il imo mawu PASS give_to remains.GEN food-GEN PURP eat moméro libwáro fumind rum mombiln hendasri-ró pa meal.ABL few.ABL farmer PST become wealthy-ALL but sal rum mondel rari iro sehis bwera-har ir 3SG.ANIMATE PST think angry because_of snake next-ADV and tabi fwatwil sal ebrupar fight axe.INS 3SG.ANIMATE try_to fumind rum fri henda gwéro ir sal brombwa omahem sul farmer PST lose money then and 3SG.ANIMATE learn feast 3SG.ANIMATE.GEN rum alpar sehis de rum nolo momre rondle-lil sal PST because snake PROG PST give_to meal.INS delicious-INS 3SG.ANIMATE ing-ó nu-ng fumind ungise sal time-ALL REL-LOC farmer injure 3SG.ANIMATE fumind rum breron sehis imo morten lobos sul ir farmer PST beg snake PURP heal crime 3SG.ANIMATE.GEN and sehis rum rama emb mondel sildo iro nawir lem pa snake PST reply 2SG think sad because_of deed 2SG.GEN but emb bren monge ing-ó nu-ng ungi bli mombiln sonul-ó 2SG must wait time-ALL REL-LOC wound 1SG.GEN become okay-ALL surngung emb wan wiri merileni pin-umb lohar le before 2SG FUT make_happen friendship 1SG-LOC again can ar wan morten dlegur la dermetar wur-le 1SG will heal quarrel 1PL.GEN truly NEG-can surngung pin rel engombe im mosne fwatil-um endermi-go before 1SG stop completely INF remember axe-DIST faithful-NEG |