Translation of "The Rain Song" (Standalone)

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Original: The Rain Song It is raining in the night in the desert It is raining My soul is peaceful. The raindrops are falling in the daytime on the leaves The raindrops are falling My heart lifts. The time of rain has come For a time in the mountains The time of rain has come My soul rejoices.
kant t'-esk esk-es im xelt ka xeak esk-es seles ant et diina tef t'-esk or met im faar a tek tef t'esk or met ento ima na ant im t'esk luna-k im xe ka wal im t'esk lunak seles ant et nau
song of-rain

when night LOC desert
soul 1SG.GEN COP peaceful

drop of-rain COP.PROG fall
when daytime DAT leaf
drop of-rain COP.PROG fall
so.that make.energetic feeling 1SG.GE

time of-rain come-PERF
when something.certain LOC mountain
time of-rain come-PERF
soul 1SG.GEN COP glad