Translations of "Scripts" (#conlang Challenge of the Week (CotW)) for Oltic
Hello #conlang, this is my careful writing
and this is my scribble note taking script.
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Σαλού #αυρειέχτι, έσσι μοί οὺχριος γράφϝος
άπε έσσι μοί σκρῖβηντος γράφϝος κυι νότον γρεγράφϝι.
hello #conlang-SG.VOC | COP.3SG.PRES 1SG.POSS careful-M.SG.NOM.DEF write-GER-SG.NOM and COP.3SG.PRES 1SG.POSS scribble-PRES.PTCP-M.SG.NOM.DEF write-GER-SG.NOM for note-PL.GEN record-GER-SG.GEN |
dillon |