Translations of "On knowing and not knowing" (Standalone) for Thensarian
He who knows not and knows not he knows not
He is a fool. Shun him.
He who knows not and knows he knows not
He is a student. Teach him.
He who knows and knows not he knows
He is asleep. Wake him.
He who knows and knows he knows
He is wise. Follow him.
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Trôg tir tákvȅ ie tir tákvȅ ne tir tákvȅ:
hivé žá; šŧǐelìju.
Trôg tir tákvȅ ie tákvȅ ne tir tákvȅ:
gamsálg žá; mínúagliju.
Trôg tákvȅ ie tir tákvȅ ne tákvȅ:
mánnáde žá; hánadêju.
Trôg tákvȅ ie tákvȅ ne tákvȅ:
mla̋se žá; ilsáħiju.
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