Translations of "On knowing and not knowing" (Standalone) for Miut


He who knows not and knows not he knows not He is a fool. Shun him. He who knows not and knows he knows not He is a student. Teach him. He who knows and knows not he knows He is asleep. Wake him. He who knows and knows he knows He is wise. Follow him.



Yuèh dhey tâwk wẽh dhey tâwk lhuèh dhey tâwk Yih lǎk. Tsiàetsī. Yuèh dhey tâwk wẽh tâwk lhuèh dhey tâwk Yih sāhngdōh. Kiùhtsī. Yuèh tâwk wẽh dhey tâwk lhuèh tâwk Yih pótlhòhp. Lhiàhtsī. Yuèh tâwk wẽh tâwk lhuèh tâwk Yih tsî. Siàetsī.
Yuèh dhey tâwk wẽh dhey tâwk lhuèh dhey tâwk
DET NEG know and NEG know 3sg NEG know
Yih lǎk. Tsiàe =tsī.
COP wild. Escape =ANTIP.

Yuèh dhey tâwk wẽh tâwk lhuèh dhey tâwk
DET NEG know and know 3sg NEG know
Yih sāhngdōh. Kiùh =tsī.
COP student. Teach =ANTIP.

Yuèh tâwk wẽh dhey tâwk lhuèh tâwk
DET know and NEG know 3sg know
Yih pót -lhòhp. Lhiàh =tsī.
COP PROG.ADJ -sleep. Wake =ANTIP.

Yuèh tâwk wẽh tâwk lhuèh tâwk
DET know and know 3sg know
Yih tsî. Siàe =tsī.
COP wise. Walk.behind =ANTIP.