Translation of "On knowing and not knowing" (Standalone)

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Original: He who knows not and knows not he knows not He is a fool. Shun him. He who knows not and knows he knows not He is a student. Teach him. He who knows and knows not he knows He is asleep. Wake him. He who knows and knows he knows He is wise. Follow him.
Trôg tir tákvȅ ie tir tákvȅ ne tir tákvȅ: hivé žá; šŧǐelìju. Trôg tir tákvȅ ie tákvȅ ne tir tákvȅ: gamsálg žá; mínúagliju. Trôg tákvȅ ie tir tákvȅ ne tákvȅ: mánnáde žá; hánadêju. Trôg tákvȅ ie tákvȅ ne tákvȅ: mla̋se žá; ilsáħiju.
Interlinear: Not added