Translations of "LCC4 live relay" (Relay) for Soc'ul'


"The Disrespectful Goat" A beautiful woman was riding across a bridge when she was stopped by a goat. "O beautiful woman!" said the goat. "You please me. I wish to marry you." The woman laughed. "Why would you want to marry me? You don't even know my name." "Your name?" asked the goat. "I didn't ask about your name: I asked you to marry me. What is your answer?" "This is my answer," said the woman who sliced the goat's head off with her arakh. The goat's head, lying on the bank, then said, " that a yes?"



"Maý Xen Āhañ'coz" Miu nei nál n'eh jeiñuas ne xil eý āhhanyextxaý maý. Añ'xauc maý "Cuoj nál n'eh!" "Coraicojíax. Socxeý socméuitx." Lēl nál. "Xen je uc' āhcorxeý corméuitx? Xen xen corc'uai taitu." Añ'euax maý "Taitu hej?" "Xen soceuax taitu: Soceuax corméuitx. Xen xad ez'e noc'uj nej?" Xauc nál āhhanteudi coil maý āhjí arakh "Un' jál noc'uj en." C'ez iyxauc coil maý, āhiysuíz meven, "Ē... xen cual?"
goat REL-CL4>CL4-respect

PROG ride woman beautiful bridge across short_time at REL-CL2>CL4-stop-PASS goat
CL4>CL4-say goat
VOC woman beautiful
1>2-want 1>2-marry

laugh woman
Q for SUBJ REL-2>1-want 2>1-marry
NEG REDUP 2>1-know name

CL4>CL4-ask goat
name 2.INAL
NEG 1>2-ask name 1>2-ask 2>1-marry
Q PFRM NZ answer 2.POSS

say woman REL-CL2>CL3-sever head goat REL-do arakh
COP.CL5>CL5 DEM answer 1.POSS

RES CL3>CL3-say head goat REL-CL3>CL3-lie bank
FILL Q yes