Translations of "LCC4 live relay" (Relay) for Baranxe'i
"The Disrespectful Goat"
A beautiful woman was riding across a bridge when she was stopped by a goat. "O beautiful woman!" said the goat. "You please me. I wish to marry you."
The woman laughed. "Why would you want to marry me? You don't even know my name."
"Your name?" asked the goat. "I didn't ask about your name: I asked you to marry me. What is your answer?"
"This is my answer," said the woman who sliced the goat's head off with her arakh.
The goat's head, lying on the bank, then said, " that a yes?"
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Bāri Mējēmanðani
Īna kānen xaŋśe xanprītēf lākans þajalānas mī bāri hareðānissan. Bāri hēvānissan “Ajā, īna kānen! Īlsatans. Somājuŋaðar ŋalem.”
Īna xaxanānas. “Iśvus somājuŋamat ŋalit? Aumē haunuham valit!”
Bāri śeðnānis “Haunuðu? Haunurðu a’i śeðnānem mē, maratānem ēþ somājuŋatmat. Iśvun rīgat?”
Īna hēvānas “Þinun rīgem!” ā pitalun bāritu kausal sadźānem.
Pitalu bāritu darðuf xan aipranu hēvāno “Ŋo, rīgat iś ham?”
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