Existing translations to Omnizzabon

Translation Original Omnizzabon Interlinear? Translator
All your demands
All your demands will be met.
Omni dhauz wasuperkyiro vedn bi enkontrar.
No Anonymous
Is it a pencil? No, it is a window.
Eske ze van wan kataberjig? Pa, ze van wan okno.
No Anonymous
Don't wash the bottle in the dishwasher
Noli warsh das yetikipr be das tabak-warsherjig.
No Anonymous
Cogito ergo sum
I think, therefore I am
Wo moyekh, jadi wo bestan.
No Anonymous
From the Egyptian Book of the Dead
I am yesterday, today and tomorrow, and I have the power to be born a second time. I am the divine hidden soul who created the Gods and gives sepulchral meals to the denizens of the deep, the place of the dead, and heaven... Hail, lord of the shrine that stands in the centre of the earth. He is I and I am he!
Wo van yesteryaum, alyaum, ga moryaum. Wo yesh das him um bi fonyuteris wan tuth vese. Wo van das bestanifay das wakami de kamilaik gedidanpafay ruakh. Wo dar das dipatoriz, das dedatoriz, ga das seintatoriz waittant yi gededhollaik wamakan. Hail, o levanta be das tokaz sentru de taputhingatorilord. Ze van wo ga wo van ze!
Yes Anonymous
hello $
Dhau tov! /ðaʊ tov/
No Anonymous
Twisty little passages
You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike.
Dhau itta be labrenth bang krenchichent wapasatorilet. Omni glaikh.
No Anonymous
Wanting to give money
Why did you want to give the man money in the city yesterday?
Dhau yesteryaum be das ur kyiro dar das androjin yi pesa izza wat?
Yes Anonymous
1HGT: #1
The apple is red.
Das mansana komuna.
No Anonymous
1HGT: #2
It is John’s apple.
Ze van Jonz mansana.
No Anonymous
1HGT: #3
I give John the apple.
Wo dar Jon yi das mansana.
No Anonymous
1HGT: #4
We give him the apple.
Nahnu dar ze yi das mansana.
No Anonymous
1HGT: #5
He gives it to John.
Ze dar Jon yi ze.
No Anonymous
1HGT: #6
She gives it to him.
Ze dar ze yi ze.
No Anonymous
1HGT: future
She will give it to him.
Ze vedn dar ze yi ze.
No Anonymous
1HGT: must
I must give it to him.
Wo unda dar ze yi ze.
No Anonymous
1HGT: neative #1
The apple is not red.
Das mansana komuna pa.
No Anonymous
1HGT: negative #3
I don't give John the apple.
Wo dar pa Jon yi das mansana.
No Anonymous
1HGT: past
He has given it to John.
Ze yesh dar Jon yi ze.
No Anonymous
1HGT: want
I want to give it to her.
Wo kyiro dar ze yi ze.
No Anonymous