Existing translations to Oltic
Translation | Original | Oltic | Interlinear? | Translator |
All your demands | All your demands will be met. |
Ωύλοι τωύ ντὲλϝοι νῖλουγγητεντο. |
Yes | Anonymous |
Berlitzism | Is it a pencil? No, it is a window. |
Έσσι κραγιόν; Νῖσσι, έσσι φενέσρη. |
Yes | Anonymous |
Bottle-washing | Don't wash the bottle in the dishwasher |
Νῆ άμι βουτήλιην εν άμελι. |
Yes | Anonymous |
Cogito ergo sum | I think, therefore I am |
Μῆνου, οὺτος ές. |
Yes | Anonymous |
Colorless green dreams | Colorless green dreams sleep furiously. |
Ανλῖϝηκηδ γλάσσηδ κούξη ρεῖγκηδ ζέχοντο. |
Yes | Anonymous |
Colorless green ideas | Colorless green ideas sleep furiously. |
Ανλῖϝηκηδ γλάσσηδ μάνης ρεῖγκηδ ζέχοντο. |
Yes | Anonymous |
Farewell | bye $ |
Αντίο $ |
Yes | Anonymous |
Fiat Lingua! | fiat lingua! |
Τὴς εῖστητι ιέχτις! |
Yes | Anonymous |
Fight linguistic extinction! | Fight linguistic extinction. Invent a language! |
Ϝίκι ιέχτιον εξρεμοῦκητουον. Χρὶξετα ιέχτι! |
Yes | Anonymous |
From the Egyptian Book of the Dead | I am yesterday, today and tomorrow,
and I have the power to be born a second time.
I am the divine hidden soul who created the Gods
and gives sepulchral meals to the denizens of the deep,
the place of the dead, and heaven...
Hail, lord of the shrine that stands in the centre of the earth.
He is I and I am he! |
Ές ζέσιαχτη, σό δῖος, τῶβρεγαχτη,
Άπε γάβου βρίγην γῆνετουον λὰμησσι τάνης.
Ές νοίβον κέλετιον νᾶμαν πίδ γνίτ δεῖϝους
Άπε δῆτι τύμβηκησσι ϝέσσης πους δούβναχτης τωύζον,
Μῆριον, άπε νέμι ζόν...
Μόλητρις, νὲντι τίγρενε τῆντι εν βίτι κρίζι.
Μί έσσι άπε ζεῖς ές! |
Yes | Anonymous |
Grandfather and the Dragon | When my great-great-grandfather was a young man, he travelled out into the
world. First he went west; there was only sand there. Then he went north;
there was only snow there. Then he went east; there the mountains were too
high and great-great-grandfather couldn't climb them. At last he decided to
travel south, on foot, on horseback, by cart and by boat. In the south he
saw the largest city in all the world. |
Πὰν μοί κιουκουνσέγγατιρας έσε ιὸγκος ϝίρος, κρίνισσι εν βίτον.
Κέντος χῖρος τεῖγε · ές νῆνοσες τράχτος ας.
Πὰν οὒχλιος γλάνα · ές νῆνονεδ χράζον ας.
Πὰν ϝῆρις γλάνα · ας σό μόνιοι χλὴγμοι ράϝοι άσσον άπε κιουκουνσέγγατιρας νῖς γλάντ δρίγγζους.
Ὰντηκος πὲσαζετει ϝῆρις κρίνιτος, αῦρε χόζην, αῦρε οὺχρειδον, αῦρε ϝέγνον, αῦρε πλοῖον.
Εν ϝῆρεις ϝέλτ μῆραμον καάτρικαν εν χλῆνι βίτι. |
Yes | Anonymous |
Greeting | hello $ |
σαλού $ |
Yes | Anonymous |
Happy birthday | Happy birthday! |
Πους μέγκιονεδ βλεῖδον! |
Yes | Anonymous |
I can eat glass | I can eat glass, it does not hurt me. |
Γλάνου έδοντονες χιάλον, νῖσσι μί βρούσνατι. |
Yes | Anonymous |
On knowing and not knowing | He who knows not and knows not he knows not
He is a fool. Shun him.
He who knows not and knows he knows not
He is a student. Teach him.
He who knows and knows not he knows
He is asleep. Wake him.
He who knows and knows he knows
He is wise. Follow him. |
Πεῖς νῖσσι θῶγνινητι άπε νῖσσι θῶγνινητι νῖσοντος θῶγνινηντος
Έσσι δροῦζος. Ποφεὺγι ές.
Πεῖς νῖσσι θῶγνινητι άπε θῶγνινητι νῖσοντος θῶγνινηντος
Έσσι δισκίπουλος. Χρεγλάνδι ές.
Πεῖς θῶγνινητι άπε νῖσσι θῶγνινητι θῶγνινηντος
Ζέχετο. Δῖξετι ές.
Πεῖς θῶγνινητι άπε θῶγνινητι θῶγνινηντος
Χλεῖζος έσσι. Σέπετα ές. |
Yes | Anonymous |
On Tradition | Tradition is the old corrupting the young to please the dead. |
Τραδισιόν έσσι σένιοι ρυίγϝος ιὸγκιοος κυι σῆσσηϝι μῆριους. |
Yes | Anonymous |
Pity | Let him be pitied, who thinks there is only one way to make a language. |
Τὴς ελῆτετο, πεῖς μῆνετο έσσι νῆνον οίνον μέσον γρέγϝι ιέχτιν. |
Yes | Anonymous |
Proletariat of the world | Proletariat of the world, unite! |
Βίτι προλετάριας, νῖλουγγετις! |
Yes | Anonymous |
The Rain Song | The Rain Song
It is raining
in the night in the desert
It is raining
My soul is peaceful.
The raindrops are falling
in the daytime on the leaves
The raindrops are falling
My heart lifts.
The time of rain has come
For a time in the mountains
The time of rain has come
My soul rejoices. |
Γλόκι Κάνλον
Εν νόχτος εν μὴσσι
Μοί νᾶμαν σῆμον έσσι.
Γλόκαγνοι τούδοντι
Εν δῖι γρε δλὸνον
Γλόκαγνοι τούδοντι
Μοί κρίζον ζᾶβετο
Γλόκι τρῆτον βοῦετι
Γρε τρῆτοναν εν μόνιον
Γλόκι τρῆτον βοῦετι
Μοί νᾶμαν ζὰβιτι. |
Yes | Anonymous |
Twisty little passages | You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike. |
Τῆσι εν λαβύρινθι αῦρε κάσσονες βίκονες σέντον, ωύλονες κωὺκονες. |
Yes | Anonymous |
Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights | All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. |
Ωύλοι ζόνιοι χρίοι άπε αυκεῖντινοι δίγνιτης άπε κωὺραχτον γῆνοντο.
Χρόδηντο μέγμαναν άπε κονθῶγνιγϝον άπε λίγοντο γνίοντοι σεῖ αῦρε βρῆτιι ὰνζι. |
Yes | Anonymous |
Wanting to give money | Why did you want to give the man money in the city yesterday? |
Χραπίδ ζέσι κάρτες δῆμνονες νωύιελον ϝίρι εν καάτρικος; |
Yes | Anonymous |
We are humans | We are humans and we are from Earth. |
Άσμου ζόνιοι άπε άσμου δούμνι. |
Yes | Anonymous |
Yellow Brick Road | Excuse me, where's the Yellow Brick Road? |
Παρδόν, βλῆϝον χλίκον βωὺτρον πὲζ έσσι; |
Yes | Anonymous |
You keep using that word... | You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means. |
Τὸγεσι χρᾶβοντον σό γῆρον. Νῖς μῆνου πὲσσετο πίδ μῆνετα πὲσσετο. |
Yes | Anonymous |
CIV IV: Order 0 | As you wish. |
Ώς κάρεσι. |
Yes | Anonymous |
CIV IV: Order 1 | Move out! |
Τεῖγετις! |
Yes | Anonymous |
CIV IV: Order 2 | Certainly. |
Κύπε. |
Yes | Anonymous |
CIV IV: Order 3 | We're on it. |
Γρέγομου. |
Yes | Anonymous |
CIV IV: Order 4 | No problem. |
Νιάδ ανσένταχτης. |
Yes | Anonymous |
CIV IV: Order 5 | Consider it done. |
Μῆνεϝε ώς χλῆνητιο. |
Yes | Anonymous |
CIV IV: Order 6 | Very well. |
Δάγος. |
Yes | Anonymous |
CIV IV: Order 7 | On our way. |
Άσμου ας βωὺτρι. |
Yes | Anonymous |
CIV IV: Order 8 | Let's get moving. |
Τὴς σνίς τεῖγετις. |
Yes | Anonymous |
CIV IV: Order 9 | You can count on us. |
Γλάνασι σνίς πὲθοντ. |
Yes | Anonymous |
CIV IV: Select 0 | Reporting for duty. |
Γγὲλου εν χρὸδϝι. |
Yes | Anonymous |
CIV IV: Select 1 | At your service. |
Τὴς χρόδιζητε. |
Yes | Anonymous |
CIV IV: Select 2 | Tell me what to do. |
Mí ϝεῖδι πίδ γνίετιο. |
Yes | Anonymous |
CIV IV: Select 3 | Awaiting your orders. |
Χὰροσου κυι ντὲλησι. |
Yes | Anonymous |
CIV IV: Select 4 | Ready for action. |
Γριλῆμος ές κυι γνίϝον. |
Yes | Anonymous |
CIV IV: Select 5 | What's the plan? |
Πίδ πλάνον έσσι; |
Yes | Anonymous |
CIV IV: Select 6 | Yes? |
Έσσι; |
Yes | Anonymous |
CIV IV: Select 7 | Your orders? |
Ντὲλησι; |
Yes | Anonymous |
CIV IV: Select 8 | What do you need? |
Πίδ αύρουσετα; |
Yes | Anonymous |
CIV IV: Select 9 | All present and accounted for. |
Ωύλιοι πάροντο άπε αρῖμηντο. |
Yes | Anonymous |
Travelphrases 1 | Where is my room? |
Μοί όδη πὲζ έσσι; |
Yes | Anonymous |
Travelphrases 2 | Where is the beach? |
Τράζον πὲζ έσσι; |
Yes | Anonymous |
Travelphrases 3 | Where is the bar? |
Κρὸκιμη πὲζ έσσι; |
Yes | Anonymous |
Travelphrases 4 | Don't touch me there! |
Μί νῆ ας! |
Yes | Anonymous |
#16: the Ithkuil Relay | Those who try to limit basic standards of moral conduct to religious observances and theologies are fighting a losing battle. The human spirit is too needy and too vigorous to be kept in shackles. |
Πεῖς χαρέκετι χρόδηντονεδ άντον μῖνιον κωῦριδ τῖγνοτι κανόν ώς θρῆσκουσες πράτους άπε θεολογίης ϝίκετι κάτι ας μόκον.
Ουμῆνον ὰνζον χλὴγμον ϝαῖλον άπε χλὴγμον γρέγον έσσι κυι χρονὶντο εν πέδον. |
Yes | Anonymous |
LCC3 live relay | Standing on the island's shore,
Drifting off to sea.
I wish that I could be,
Drifting off to sea.
All of my hopes and dreams,
Drifting off to sea.
I watch my lover's boat,
Drifting off to sea. |
Τῆντ ας νῖσσεις αχτὴς,
Εξ κρίνιτιο πους μόρεις.
Κάρου γλάνητετι,
Εξ κρίνιτιο πους μόρεις.
Μοί ωύλοι κάρϝοι άπε κούξη,
Εξ κρίνιντο πους μόρεις.
Δρέκου μοί κρίζι πλοῖον,
Εξ κρίνιτο πους μόρεις. |
Yes | Anonymous |
Yesterday's boys | The boys whom I saw yesterday were Karl and Jake |
Μόγοι πεῖς ζέσι πῖστου άσεντες Κράλος άπε Ιάκοβος. |
Yes | Anonymous |
Happy New Year! | Happy New Year! |
Δάγον Νωύιον Βλεῖδον! |
Yes | Anonymous |
Merry Christmas! | Merry Christmas! |
Δάγον Ροζιστόν! |
Yes | Anonymous |
Being specific: nouns | my friends
my best friends
one of my best friends
3 of my best friends
some of my best friends
most of my best friends
all of my best friends
a funny man
a very funny man
the funniest man of all
3 shirts
3 clean shirts
the cleanest 3 shirts
the newest 2 of the clean shirts
the newest 2 of the 3 clean shirts
the first question
the first 3 questions
the third question
the last of the questions
Μοί κάραντες
Μοί δάγαμοι κάραντες
Μοί οίνοις δάγαμοσες κάρανς
Μοί τρῖς δάγαμοις κάραντες
Μοί χράσκοις δάγαμοις κάραντες
Μοί μὲγκαμοις δάγαμοις κάραντες
Μοί ωύλοι δάγαμοι κάραντες
Σμήχινονες ϝίρος
Μέγκοεσες σμήχινονες ϝίρος
Σμήχιναμος ϝίρος
Τίρες καμίσιης
Τίρες γλάνησσι καμίσιης
Τίρες γλάναμης καμίσιης
Γλάνον καμίσιον ϝῖ νωύιαμιοι
Τίρες γλάνον καμίσιον ϝῖ νωύιαμιοι
Κέντος χράσκϝος
Τρῖς χράσκϝον κέντιος
Τρίτιος χράσκϝος
Χράσκϝον ὰντηκιος |
Yes | Anonymous |
Emma | Emma |
Έμη |
No | Anonymous |
Jacob | Jacob |
Ιάκοβος |
No | Anonymous |
James | James |
Ιάκοβος |
No | Anonymous |
Leon | Leon |
Λέον |
No | Anonymous |
Mary | Mary |
Μαρίη |
No | Anonymous |
Mia | Mia |
Μίη |
No | Anonymous |
Oliver | Oliver |
Όλιβερ |
No | Anonymous |
Olivia | Olivia |
Ολίβιη |
No | Anonymous |
1HGT: #1 | The apple is red. |
Βᾶλον ρωύδον έσσι. |
Yes | Anonymous |
1HGT: #2 | It is John’s apple. |
Έσσι Ιὼνης βᾶλον. |
Yes | Anonymous |
1HGT: #3 | I give John the apple. |
Ιὼνης δῆ βᾶλον. |
Yes | Anonymous |
1HGT: #4 | We give him the apple. |
Ές δῆμου βᾶλον. |
Yes | Anonymous |
1HGT: #5 | He gives it to John. |
Ιὼνης δῆτι. |
Yes | Anonymous |
1HGT: #6 | She gives it to him. |
Σί ές δῆτι. |
Yes | Anonymous |
1HGT: must | I must give it to him. |
Τρηβού δῆντος. |
Yes | Anonymous |
1HGT: neative #1 | The apple is not red. |
Βᾶλον ρωύδον νῖσσι. |
Yes | Anonymous |
1HGT: negative #3 | I don't give John the apple. |
Ιὼνης νῖς δῆ βᾶλον. |
Yes | Anonymous |
1HGT: past | He has given it to John. |
Ές Ιὼνης δῆσσι. |
Yes | Anonymous |
1HGT: want | I want to give it to her. |
Κάρου δῆντης. |
Yes | Anonymous |
My hovercraft is full of eels | My hovercraft is full of eels. |
Μοί χόβερκραφτον χλῆνητο χὲνατρικον. |
Yes | Anonymous |
Scripts | Hello #conlang, this is my careful writing
and this is my scribble note taking script. |
Σαλού #αυρειέχτι, έσσι μοί οὺχριος γράφϝος
άπε έσσι μοί σκρῖβηντος γράφϝος κυι νότον γρεγράφϝι. |
Yes | Anonymous |
Smile | A voice said to me:
"Smile and be happy!
Things could be worse!"
So I smiled
And was happy.
And things got worse. |
Γούτος μί σέπτ:
„Ϝεῖνη άπε σοῦγνηϝος εῖσι!
Γλάνητετι δρούκιος έζονος!”
Οὺτος ϝεῖνησσου
Άπε σοῦγνηϝος εῖσσου.
Άπε δρούκιος άλτ. |
Yes | Anonymous |