Translation of "Grandfather and the Dragon" (Standalone)

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Original: When my great-great-grandfather was a young man, he travelled out into the world. First he went west; there was only sand there. Then he went north; there was only snow there. Then he went east; there the mountains were too high and great-great-grandfather couldn't climb them. At last he decided to travel south, on foot, on horseback, by cart and by boat. In the south he saw the largest city in all the world.
Tsóh tsóh déh myih xõ hnäy tsiàe thēhngdié tzyih guêh. Bìht lhuèh xiàe vuh; kuah-yóy mǒen sêk lhyih. Myìht lhuèh xiàe pàhk; kuah-yóy mǒen syuàht lhyih. Wẽh lhuèh xiàe kuh; kuah-yóy gât miôh muên tsóh tsóh déh dhǎhng gàeptsī. Siuhmâh lhuèh kiòet xiàe nām, sih pẽh, mot mâh, sih thāh ih sih gǎm. Nām lhuèh sùptàok hnyuǒy hänmâh mot guêh hnām.
Tsóh tsóh déh myih xõ hnäy tsiàe thēhng =dié tzyih guêh. 
Grandfather grandfather 1sg.GEN LOC period new go.out travel =PST ALL world.
Bìht lhuèh xiàe vuh; kuah -yóy mǒen sêk lhyih. 
One.ordinal 3sg go west; place -DIST(TOP) only sand IND.
Myìht lhuèh xiàe pàhk; kuah -yóy mǒen syuàht lhyih. 
Two.ordinal 3sg go north; place -DIST(TOP) only snow IND.
Wẽh lhuèh xiàe kuh; kuah -yóy gât miôh muên tsóh tsóh déh dhǎhng gàep =tsī. 
And 3sg go east; place -DIST(TOP) mountain high too grandfather grandfather 1sg.GEN hardly climb =ANTIP.
Siuhmâh lhuèh kiòet xiàe nām, sih pẽh, mot mâh, sih thāh ih sih gǎm. 
Back-most 3sg dicide go south, INS foot, upon horse, INS car and INS boat.
Nām lhuèh sùptàok hnyuǒy hänmâh mot guêh hnām.
South(TOP) 3sg see-PRF city big-most upon world whole.