Translation of "Grandfather and the Dragon" (Standalone)
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Original: | When my great-great-grandfather was a young man, he travelled out into the world. First he went west; there was only sand there. Then he went north; there was only snow there. Then he went east; there the mountains were too high and great-great-grandfather couldn't climb them. At last he decided to travel south, on foot, on horseback, by cart and by boat. In the south he saw the largest city in all the world. |
Translation: | Ingung hondwum-wumbo-wumbo rum umbur pibin, sal rum fangi guró dombelosumb. Sal rum fangi welbó mabrepar; holumumb rum umbur flirb selohar. Gwéro, sal rum fangi rabó; holumumb rum umbur andem selohar. Gwéro, sal rum fangi lewó; holumumb erenda rum umbur undoni ombeg ir hondwum-wumbo-wumbo rum wambu eng wurle. Sal rum soblu rawar im fangi bolgó, slomb, hilaf, roslin ir erndlisil. Bolgumb sal rum bomba glib wumbo flimbor etaro dombelosumb. |
Interlinear: | ing-ung hondwum-wumbo-wumbo rum umbur pibin sal rum fangi guró dombelos-umb time-REL.LOC grandfather-great-great PST be boy 3SG.ANIMATE PST go 3SG.INANIMATE.ALL world-LOC sal rum fangi welbó mabrepar hol-um-umb rum umbur flirb selohar 3SG.ANIMATE PST go west.ALL initial.ADV place-DIST-LOC PST be sand only gwéro sal rum fangi rabó hol-um-umb rum umbur andem selohar this.ABL 3SG.ANIMATE PST go north.ALL place-DIST-LOC PST be snow only gwéro sal rum fangi lewó hol-um-umb er-enda rum umbur undoni ombeg ir this.ABL 3SG.ANIMATE PST go east.ALL place-DIST-LOC PL-mountain PST be tall overly and hondwum-wumbo-wumbo rum wambu eng wur-le grandfather-great-great PST climb 3PL.INANIMATE NEG-can sal rum soblu rawar im fangi bolgó slomb hilaf roslin ir erndlis-il 3SG.ANIMATE PST decide final.ADV INF go south.ALL foot.INS pony.INS cart.INS and boat-INS bolgumb sal rum bomba glib wumbo flimbor e-taro dombelos-umb south.LOC 3SG.ANIMATE PST see city large exceed PL-all world-LOC |