Translations of "Genesis 11:6" (Babel-text) for Soc'ul'


6. And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.



Āhaíxauc yauñ', Cozuc'zi, hazen are jál, āhharin' hé jul' jál jutxux, r'uz r'uz un' uc' āhjí; ji c'en jí xen' āhr'ūñoax jí.
REL-CL1>CL1-say lord 2>2-see.CAUS COP.CL2>CL2 tribe one REL-COP.CL2>CL3 CL2.INAL language one all INCH REDUP COP.CL5>CL5 SUBJ REL-do CONT ABIL.NEG do none REL-visit-CAUS do