Translation of "Genesis 11:6" (Babel-text)
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Original: | 6. And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do. |
Translation: | 6. DAGANEMB rum ma, Ho bomba, els umbur hobitar liba ir, els taro brawo mamb liba ir, els rum woma gum selohar im nar holerumb. Wonul nu els soblu im nar wan umbur wolehar sle gum. |
Interlinear: | daganemb rum ma ho bomba els umbur hobitar liba ir ruler PST say IMP see 3PL.ANIMATE be culture one and els taro brawo mamb liba ir els rum woma gum selohar im nar hol-er-umb 3PL.ANIMATE all use language one and 3PL.ANIMATE PST start now only INF do place-PROX-LOC wonul nu els soblu im nar wan umbur wolehar sle gum nothing REL 3PL.ANIMATE decide INF do FUT be impossible 3PL.ANIMATE.GEN now |