Translation of "Genesis 11:3" (Babel-text)

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Original: 3. And they said one to another, Go to, let us make brick, and burn them throughly. And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for morter.
Nan se láre vra hánutsyer sir rutsír: Dórle síva risír nan stul síva vátsyo hir tákir síva vurír tsir méhi tséve. Nan tse vra gávi méhi tse mor mánura stir tákir ta lúgror.

and NMLZ-ADJ.NOM- this-ADJ.NOM PST- say NMLZ-ADJ.ACC- that-ADJ.ACC 2PL.NOM IMP- leave and 1PL.NOM JUS- make ART-ADJ.ACC stone-ACC JUS- burn 3-ACC with-3- concentration (thouroughly) and 3.NOM PST- have with-3- 3.NOM POT- build SUB-ADJ.ACC- stone-ACC and slime-ACC