Translation of "Genesis 11:3" (Babel-text)
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Original: | 3. And they said one to another, Go to, let us make brick, and burn them throughly. And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for morter. |
Translation: | Wẽh lhuèhbey tuo-hnuàe hniũ, Ken, tsióh päy kuôy wẽh thièt xàktsī. Wẽh lhuèhbey í kuôy ōi kâ, í tsìt ōi xǔ tyǐht. |
Interlinear: | Wẽh lhuèh =bey tuo -hnuàe hniũ, Ken, tsióh päy kuôy wẽh thièt xàk =tsī. Wẽh lhuèhbey í -kuôy -ōi kâ, í -tsìt -ōi xǔ tyǐht. And 3sg =PL RECP -say QUOT, Go, let’s make brick and thorough(ADV) fire.VBLZ =PASS. And 3sg =PL -brick -CIRC stone, -lacquer -CIRC glue ash. |