Translation of "Genesis 11:3" (Babel-text)

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Original: 3. And they said one to another, Go to, let us make brick, and burn them throughly. And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for morter.
Wẽh lhuèhbey tuo-hnuàe hniũ, Ken, tsióh päy kuôy wẽh thièt xàktsī. Wẽh lhuèhbey í kuôy ōi kâ, í tsìt ōi xǔ tyǐht.
Wẽh lhuèh =bey tuo -hnuàe hniũ, Ken, tsióh päy kuôy wẽh thièt xàk =tsī. Wẽh lhuèhbey í -kuôy -ōi kâ, í -tsìt -ōi xǔ tyǐht.
And 3sg =PL RECP -say QUOT, Go, let’s make brick and thorough(ADV) fire.VBLZ =PASS. And 3sg =PL -brick -CIRC stone, -lacquer -CIRC glue ash.