Translation of "Genesis 11:3" (Babel-text)
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Original: | 3. And they said one to another, Go to, let us make brick, and burn them throughly. And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for morter. |
Translation: | Ai’tilatunš çu iùktict’awélgümui no aň uok’auqvaludai ˉxhe. Öň êktict’algui îktalgöň ôňgyé’c. |
Interlinear: | DYN-CTX/ASR/PPS-RCP-‘speak’-NRM/DEL/U/CSL/UNI-SQT1/9-IFL Col-IND FRAMED:MNF-inc.stem:‘stone’-‘block’-OBL-DIR-NRM/PRX/U/ASO/DCT-ROL1/8-ISR-FNC/IFL 1m+ua/ERG COO1/5 DYN-inc.stem:‘flame’-‘resiliency’-OBL-NRM/DEL/M/CSL/UNI-SUF1/9-ISR-IFL ui-ABS. COO1/2 STA-inc.stem:‘stone’-‘block’-NRM/PRX/U/ASO/DCT-ISR-FNC/IFL STA-‘clay’-OBL-NRM/PRX/U/ASO/DCT-COO1/2-IFL STA-‘mortar’-PUR-NRM/DEL/A/CSL/UNI-FML |