Translation of "Genesis 11:3" (Babel-text)
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Original: | 3. And they said one to another, Go to, let us make brick, and burn them throughly. And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for morter. |
Translation: | 3. Els taro rum ma ehenguló, "Ar ho dopa erugrel ir wiglors eng engombe." Els rum brawo erugrel imo sarm ir engegwo imo orngeng. |
Interlinear: | els taro rum ma e-henguló ar ho dopa e-rugrel ir wiglors eng engombe 3PL.ANIMATE all PST say PL-other.ALL 1PL IMP build PL-brick and burn 3PL.INANIMATE completely els rum brawo e-rugrel imo sarm ir engegwo imo orngeng 3PL.ANIMATE PST use PL-brick PURP stone and tar PURP mortar |