Translation of "CotW Intro" (#conlang Challenge of the Week (CotW))

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Original: On this page you can find Challenge of the Week (CotW), a project by #conlang. Each week, a challenge is posted by members of the channel, and all members can translate the text into their conlang(s). If you want, we can upload your translation, too. Just join #conlang and give us the text/link.
Gemiwerumb emb bro Nusogrib Somblof (CotW), losnin iro #conlang. Sombofumb tarorung, eroraf rimbler wigro nusogrib ir, oraf taro hengwem ewarni (e)mambó mondoparó suló le. Li emb roblis, ar trobro hengwemwir lem lawu le. Im hengro #conlang ir im nolo ewarnri mo ewugarslir ar umbur gapwor selohar.
gemi-wer-umb  emb bro  nusogrib  somblof  losnin  iro        #conlang
page-PROX-LOC 2SG find challenge week.GEN project because_of #conlang

sombof-umb taro-rung er-oraf   rimbler  wigro  nusogrib  ir
week-LOC   each-LOC  PL-member menu.GEN put_in challenge and

oraf   taro hengwem   e-warni (e)-mamb-ó        mondopa-ró      sul-ó               le
member each translate PL-word (PL)-language-ALL constructed-ALL 3SG.ANIMATE.GEN-ALL can

li emb roblis ar  trobro hengwem-wir        lem     lawu le
if 2SG want   1PL share  translate-NMLZ.PFV 2SG.GEN also can

im  hengro #conlang ir  im  nolo    e-warnri    mo  ewugars-lir           ar
INF join   #conlang and INF give_to PL-word.GEN XOR teleport-NMLZ.PFV.GEN 1PL

umbur gapwor    selohar
be    necessary only