Translations of "Being specific: nouns" (Grammar points) for Soc'ul'


my friends my best friends one of my best friends 3 of my best friends some of my best friends most of my best friends all of my best friends a funny man a very funny man the funniest man of all 3 shirts 3 clean shirts the cleanest 3 shirts the newest 2 of the clean shirts the newest 2 of the 3 clean shirts the first question the first 3 questions the third question the last of the questions



úu en úu úu en úu úu en jál úu úu en ta úu úu en ā úu úu en cuder cuder úu úu en jutxux cé lēl cé lēl lēl cé lēl jál jutxux ej cuice ta cuice ta jen'ax cuice ta jen'ax jen'ax xad ej uez uez cuice jen'ax nul xad ej uez uez cuice ta jen'ax nul ez'e euax jál ez'e jál ez'e euax ta ez'e euax ta ez'e euax ej jutxux
friend 1.POSS
friend REDUP 1.POSS
friend REDUP 1.POSS one
friend REDUP 1.POSS three
friend REDUP 1.POSS some
friend REDUP 1.POSS many REDUP
friend REDUP 1.POSS all

man funny
man funny REDUP
man funny DEM all to

loincloth three
loincloth three clean
loincloth three clean REDUP
PFRM two new REDUP loincloth clean CL3.POSS
PFRM two new REDUP loincloth three clean CL3.POSS

NZ ask one
NZ jál NZ ask three
NZ ask three
NZ ask two all