Translation of "All your demands" (Standalone)

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Original: All your demands will be met.
seu pan ot prous trep je · dai stan
seu ['seu̯] all
pan ['pan] you (polite)
ot [ot] (genetive marker; somewhat like Mandarin 的 de, Wenyan 之 zhi1)
prous trep ['prou̯s 'trep] demand
je [je] (makes the word before an object; the oridnary word order is SVO, but «O je SV» can be used as a rought equivalent of passive voice)
[subject is omitted because it is unimportant; a dot shows a pause in speech when some part of speech is omitted]
dai ['dai̯] met, fulfilled; (has a wide range of meaning, the orinigal meaning is 'to give')
stan [stan] (future tense marker)