Translation of "#10: Olympic Relay" (Relay)

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Original: Beware of the baby! O dear, what's happened? Yesterday, a pretty young girl came to our home to watch over the baby. She did what she could to entertain the child: she played with it, sung songs for it, etc. But nevertheless, the baby attacked her, tore her into pieces, devoured her, and it threw the rest out the window. What to do, what to do? I really don't know. And so, for the time being, we keep the affair silent, in order to prevent the police from starting to ask annoying questions.
Ho ismendo emundumb! Sildohar, swar rum wiri gum? Bendwimumb, roser rasir rum hengi baginó laró imo bombwes emund. Sal rum alfrofi emund lulibwemetar, sal rum durndi salumb, rum sefro esefrond saló ir eng fangore. Gropar, emund rum tabi sal, rum wigis sal, rum ramunge sal ir, sal sarmbe omahar oló bronrang. Swar ar bren nar, swar ar bren nar? Pin umbel wur dermetar. Gwéro wilmamó, ar wan ma guler swobindó imo flembi eragordil wan robro erobwir ongembumi gum.
ho  ismendo   emund-umb
IMP be_afraid baby-LOC

sildo-har swar rum wiri   gum bendwim-umb
sad-ADV   what PST happen now yesterday-LOC

ros-er           rasir  rum hengi bagin-ó   la-ró       imo  bombwes emund
young_woman-PROX pretty PST come  house-ALL 1PL.GEN-ALL PURP notice  baby

sal         rum alf-rofi   emund lulibwemetar
3SG.ANIMATE PST CAUS-happy baby  maximally

sal         rum durndi sal-umb

rum sefro e-sefrond sal-ó           ir  eng           fangore
PST sing  PL-song   3SG.ANIMATE-ALL and 3PL.INANIMATE continue

gropar  emund rum tabi  sal         rum wigis sal
however baby  PST fight 3SG.ANIMATE PST shred 3SG.ANIMATE

rum ramunge sal         ir  sal         sarmbe omahar  ol-ó        bron<r>ang
PST devour  3SG.ANIMATE and 3SG.ANIMATE throw  remains outside-ALL window<GEN>

swar ar  bren   nar swar ar  bren   nar
what 1PL should do  what 1PL should do

pin umbel wur dermetar gwéro wilmam-ó
1SG know  NEG truly    thus  boiling-ALL

ar  wan ma  gul-er                 swobind-ó  imo  flembi

e-ragordil  wan robro e-robwir    ongembumi gum
PL-guardian FUT ask   PL-question annoying  now