Each language is compared to a set of the most popular values for each feature.
0 is least average, 100 is completely average
- 100 CALS Average Feature Values (145 of 145 features)
- 100 Average language (38 of 38 features)
- 100 Isthmian Daaci (7 of 7 features)
- 100 REON4213 (6 of 6 features)
- 100 Makadian (4 of 4 features)
- 100 Makronesian (4 of 4 features)
- 100 Boriomanco (2 of 2 features)
- 100 Delete this (2 of 2 features)
- 100 Masculine Aniszunian Essebian (1 of 1 feature)
- 100 Popido (1 of 1 feature)
- 100 Inan (1 of 1 feature)
- 100 Lairats (1 of 1 feature)
- 100 Nenek (1 of 1 feature)
- 100 Non-Masculine Aniszunian Essebian (1 of 1 feature)
- 100 Europanto (1 of 1 feature)
- 100 Nummiinmaak (1 of 1 feature)
- 92 Kesh (12 of 13 features)
- 92 Nakio (12 of 13 features)
- 87 Kaitiri (7 of 8 features)
- 85 Old Kaiese (12 of 14 features)
- 0 Kanabi (0 of 1 feature)
- 0 Prathi (0 of 1 feature)
- 0 Waroc (0 of 1 feature)
- 0 Ponkola Lingwash (0 of 1 feature)
- 0 Sieptsechaung (0 of 1 feature)
- 0 UNLWS (0 of 1 feature)
- 0 Shinsali (0 of 1 feature)
- 0 *Unnamed (0 of 1 feature)
- 0 ideolat (ideographic latin) (0 of 1 feature)
- 0 Afrihili (0 of 1 feature)
- 67 Quechua (Imbabura) (74 of 110 features)
- 67 Hmong Njua (70 of 104 features)
- 66 Tiwi (80 of 120 features)
- 64 Mapudungun (78 of 121 features)
- 64 Kewa (68 of 106 features)
- 63 Asmat (66 of 104 features)
- 63 Khasi (66 of 104 features)
- 63 Arapesh (65 of 103 features)
- 62 Tukang Besi (76 of 122 features)
- 62 Maung (67 of 108 features)
- 61 Korean (80 of 130 features)
- 61 Ainu (72 of 117 features)
- 61 Wichi (68 of 110 features)
- 60 Indonesian (81 of 135 features)
- 60 Hindi (76 of 126 features)
- 60 Thai (74 of 123 features)
- 60 Chukchi (75 of 123 features)
- 60 Guarani (72 of 119 features)
- 60 Lavukaleve (70 of 116 features)
- 60 Awa Pit (69 of 114 features)