
Each language is compared to a set of the most popular values for each feature.

0 is least average, 100 is completely average


  1. 100 CALS Average Feature Values (145 of 145 features)
  2. 100 Average language (38 of 38 features)
  3. 100 Isthmian Daaci (7 of 7 features)
  4. 100 REON4213 (6 of 6 features)
  5. 100 Makadian (4 of 4 features)
  6. 100 Makronesian (4 of 4 features)
  7. 100 Boriomanco (2 of 2 features)
  8. 100 Delete this (2 of 2 features)
  9. 100 Masculine Aniszunian Essebian (1 of 1 feature)
  10. 100 Popido (1 of 1 feature)
  11. 100 Inan (1 of 1 feature)
  12. 100 Lairats (1 of 1 feature)
  13. 100 Nenek (1 of 1 feature)
  14. 100 Non-Masculine Aniszunian Essebian (1 of 1 feature)
  15. 100 Europanto (1 of 1 feature)
  16. 100 Nummiinmaak (1 of 1 feature)
  17. 92 Kesh (12 of 13 features)
  18. 92 Nakio (12 of 13 features)
  19. 87 Kaitiri (7 of 8 features)
  20. 85 Old Kaiese (12 of 14 features)

  1. 0 Kanabi (0 of 1 feature)
  2. 0 Prathi (0 of 1 feature)
  3. 0 Waroc (0 of 1 feature)
  4. 0 Ponkola Lingwash (0 of 1 feature)
  5. 0 Sieptsechaung (0 of 1 feature)
  6. 0 UNLWS (0 of 1 feature)
  7. 0 Shinsali (0 of 1 feature)
  8. 0 *Unnamed (0 of 1 feature)
  9. 0 ideolat (ideographic latin) (0 of 1 feature)
  10. 0 Afrihili (0 of 1 feature)


  1. 67 Quechua (Imbabura) (74 of 110 features)
  2. 67 Hmong Njua (70 of 104 features)
  3. 66 Tiwi (80 of 120 features)
  4. 64 Mapudungun (78 of 121 features)
  5. 64 Kewa (68 of 106 features)
  6. 63 Asmat (66 of 104 features)
  7. 63 Khasi (66 of 104 features)
  8. 63 Arapesh (65 of 103 features)
  9. 62 Tukang Besi (76 of 122 features)
  10. 62 Maung (67 of 108 features)
  11. 61 Korean (80 of 130 features)
  12. 61 Ainu (72 of 117 features)
  13. 61 Wichi (68 of 110 features)
  14. 60 Indonesian (81 of 135 features)
  15. 60 Hindi (76 of 126 features)
  16. 60 Thai (74 of 123 features)
  17. 60 Chukchi (75 of 123 features)
  18. 60 Guarani (72 of 119 features)
  19. 60 Lavukaleve (70 of 116 features)
  20. 60 Awa Pit (69 of 114 features)