Jan. 1, 2025

2025-01-10 09:01 New language: Iccoyai

cgsu added Iccoyai to CALS.

2025-01-10 08:57 Changed language: Vanawo

Vanawo by Isobel was updated.

2025-01-07 20:56 New translation of "Grandfather and the Dragon" into Anachek by dhagrow

Benas lakyun šina šina xexafun noto sanok, rugasape kananani ji jinuspal. Tape gusalpe kanarpal; xe posu dasag ton. Tasu gusalpe yajiypal; xe posu xišer ton. Tasu gusalpe busatpal; ji gukanel xuxapal buragu dardar, ji lakyun šina šina xigunasape bufetani nur. Susduba rugape sunukun nurugaluk kananan dunanpal, munumaniruy, xusaruy, kasuruy, sut simuruy. Dunanpal bunanpe ji nani šinuna nuces ji jinusnas gunji.

benas      lakyun      šina šina xex-  -afun     noto   sanok, ruga- -sape     kanan--ani ji      jinus-pal
prn.1s.gen grandfather far  far  cop.3s-cvb.impf person young, aux.3s-pst.impf travel-vn  def.art world-loc
"When my great-great-grandfather was a young man, he travelled out into the world."

tape gusal-  -pe      kanar-pal; xe     posu dasag ton
first go.(3s)-pst.pfv west--loc; cop.3s only sand  dem.loc.dist
"First he went west; there was only sand there."

tasu gusal- -pe      yajiy-pal; xe     posu xišer ton
then go.(3s)-pst.pfv west--loc; cop.3s only snow  dem.loc.dist
"Then he went north; there was only snow there."

tasu gusal- -pe      busat-pal; ji      gu-kanel    xux-  -apal    bura-gu dardar, ji      lakyun      šina šina xi-guna-   -sape     bufet-ani nur
then go.(3s)-pst.pfv west--loc; art.def pl-mountain cop.3p-cvb.csl high-II too,    art.def grandfather far  far  neg-aux_3.3s-pst.impf climb-vn  prn.3p.acc
"Then he went east; there the mountains were too high and great-great-grandfather couldn't climb them."

sus-duba ruga-   -pe      sunuk--un   nu- -ruga--luk     kanan--an   dunan-pal, munum-ani-ruy, xusa--ruy, kasu-ruy, sut simu-ruy
adv-last aux_1.3s-pst.pfv decide-ptcp subj-aux_1-fut.pfv travel-ptcp south-loc, walk--vn--ins, horse-ins, cart-ins, and boat-ins
"At last he decided to travel south, on foot, on horseback, by cart and by boat."

dunan-pal bunan-  -pe      ji      nani šinu-na nuces ji      jinus-nas gunji
south-loc see.(3s)-pst.pfv art.def city big--I  many  art.def world-gen all
"In the south he saw the largest city in all the world."

When my great-great-grandfather was a young man, he travelled out into the world. First he went west; there was only sand there. Then he went north; there was only snow there. Then he went east; there the mountains were too high and great-great-grandfather couldn't climb them. At last he decided to travel south, on foot, on horseback, by cart and by boat. In the south he saw the largest city in all the world.

2025-01-06 07:45 New language: Fisilo

WalFE added Fisilo to CALS.

Salut Fisilo (And that's how you greet someone in Fisilo.)

Fisilo's homepage is at https://t.me/fisilo_and_more.

2025-01-06 07:35 WalFE just joined

Welcome WalFE!

2025-01-05 00:56 Changed language: Vanawo

Vanawo by Isobel was updated.

2025-01-04 11:46 New language: Vanawo

cgsu added Vanawo to CALS.

2025-01-04 02:13 New language: Anachek

dhagrow added Anachek to CALS.

Nusbal anacek (And that's how you greet someone in Anachek.)

2025-01-03 23:24 Changed language: Tangachi

Tangachi by dhagrow was updated.