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2024-10-30 20:23 Micor447 just joined

Welcome Micor447!

2024-10-30 03:20 Changed language: Central Isles Creole

Central Isles Creole by Dillon Hartwig was updated.

2024-10-25 07:33 Changed language: Arusian

Arusian by Joseph Tayon Trerotola was updated.

2024-10-22 15:37 Changed language: Nao

Nao by "a polyglot from Russia" was updated.

2024-10-22 03:10 Changed language: Arusian

Arusian by Joseph Tayon Trerotola was updated.

2024-10-17 08:00 Changed language: Waa

Waa by Xing was updated.

2024-10-12 10:12 Changed language: Mandalorian

Mandalorian by Jesse Harlin, Karen Traviss was updated.

2024-10-12 10:04 Ranah just joined

Welcome Ranah!

2024-10-07 14:59 Changed language: Nao

Nao by "a polyglot from Russia" was updated.

2024-10-06 20:20 New language: Nao

leonporter added Nao to CALS.

joimit Nao (And that's how you greet someone in Nao.)

Nao's homepage is at https://naolang.github.io/.

2024-10-02 18:52 New translation of "Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights" into Spanish by IntergalacticOboist

Todos los seres humanos nacen libres e iguales en dignidad y derechos y, dotados como están de razón y conciencia, deben comportarse fraternalmente los unos con los otros.

All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

2024-10-02 18:34 New translation of "All your demands" into Tenshorian by IntergalacticOboist

kʰàrítù mātú-ʔōr prītʃòl-tú vò-pʰáŋ-ʔī

all 2PL-GEN demand-PL PAS-satisfy-FUT

All your demands will be met.

2024-10-02 16:38 New translation of "Berlitzism" into Tenshorian by IntergalacticOboist

rínɖʰē wó-kā? bài, lēiʂò wó-kā

pencil is-3SG? NEG, window is-3SG

Is it a pencil? No, it is a window.

2024-10-02 16:28 Changed language: Tenshorian

Tenshorian by IntergalacticOboist was updated.

2024-10-02 16:11 New language: Tenshorian

IntergalacticOboist added Tenshorian to CALS.

lūbíknà téɲʃōr (And that's how you greet someone in Tenshorian.)

2024-10-02 15:49 IntergalacticOboist just joined

Welcome IntergalacticOboist!