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2024-09-26 09:15 Changed language: Central Isles Creole
- Central Isles Creole by Dillon Hartwig was updated.
2024-09-26 09:13 New language: Central Isles Creole
dillon added Central Isles Creole to CALS.
Central Isles Creole's homepage is at https://linguifex.com/wiki/Central_Isles_Creole.
2024-09-14 05:20 New language: Clone of Arusian
BlazerZa added Clone of Arusian to CALS.
2024-09-12 19:25 New translation of "Colorless green dreams" into Arusian by BlazerZa
luwem sa nei-kluwa osa ju u numreis sasa ga
luwemdreamsaofnei-kluwaNEG-colorosaandjuyellownessuTOPIC.NOMINALISERnumreisbed-VBZ.PATIENT.NOMINALISER.INTRANS-ofsasaCOPULA.ADVgafullnessColorless green dreams sleep furiously.
2024-09-12 16:59 Changed language: Arusian
- Arusian by Joseph Tayon Trerotola was updated.
2024-09-12 16:44 New translation of "Fight linguistic extinction!" into Arusian by BlazerZa
Mandei lauwr fei sa dem. Mandei kaitr dem!
Mandei2.COMMANDlauwrwar-VBZ.ACTOR.TRANSfeideathsaofdemlangauge||Mandei2.COMMANDkaitrcreation-VBZ.ACTOR.TRANSdem!langaugeFight linguistic extinction. Invent a language!
2024-09-12 10:21 New translation of "Yellow Brick Road" into Arusian by BlazerZa
Srei. Puwei pai sa umu-leya sa kaf osa ju?
Excuse me, where's the Yellow Brick Road?
2024-09-12 05:04 New translation of "I can eat glass" into Arusian by BlazerZa
Lrau sa lu delr lu dauwr. Su nei-prmr Lu.
Lrauglasssaoflu1delrcan-VBZ.ACTOR.TRANSlu1dauwrmouth-VBZ.ACTOR.TRANS||Su3nei-prmrNEG-harming-VBZ.ACTOR.TRANSLu1I can eat glass, it does not hurt me.
2024-09-12 04:58 New translation of "Merry Christmas!" into Arusian by BlazerZa
Nuwel beis!
NuwelChristmasbeisgoodness-ofMerry Christmas!
2024-09-12 04:54 New translation of "Travelphrases 4" into Arusian by BlazerZa
Mandei nei-snr lu sasa fo!
Mandei2.COMMANDnei-snrNEG-touch-VBZ.ACTOR.TRANSITIVElu1sasaCOPULA.ADVfothereDon't touch me there!
2024-09-12 04:34 New translation of "Genesis 11:1" into Arusian by BlazerZa
Vot sa ared u sa dem as. Dem as u sa segzm.
vot sa ared u sa dem as | dem as u sa segzm all of earth TOPIC.NOM of language one-of | language one of TOPIC.NOM of past
1. And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech.
2024-09-12 03:57 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 8" into Arusian by BlazerZa
Mandei tei-lu kor ko.
mandei2.COMMANDtei-lu1P.INCLkordo-VBZ.ACTOR.TRANSITIVEkoactionLet's get moving.
2024-09-12 03:22 New translation of "We are humans" into Arusian by BlazerZa
Tei-lu trmr vom-pei u osar tei-lu vr ared-mai.
Tei-lu1P.INCLtrmrbeing-VBZ.ACTOR.TRANSvom-peiperson-PLuTOPIC.NOMINALISERosarand-VBZ.TRANStei-lu1P.INCLvrfromared-mai.EarthWe are humans and we are from Earth.
2024-09-12 03:08 New translation of "Travelphrases 2" into Arusian by BlazerZa
Puwei-pai kuweis?
Puwei-pai kuweis Q-place beach-of
Where is the beach?
2024-09-12 02:53 New translation of "Berlitzism" into Arusian by BlazerZa
Nepa-tai pus? Su sa vej. Fnet pus.
Nepa-tai pus | su sa vej | fnet pus Q.POLAR-pencil here-of | 3 of nothing | Window here-of
Is it a pencil? No, it is a window.
2024-09-12 02:48 New translation of "Cogito ergo sum" into Arusian by BlazerZa
Lu ketras u sa lu trmras.
lu1ketrasthought-VBZ.ACTOR.INTRANS.NOMINALISER-ofuTOPIC.NOMINALISERsaoflu1trmrasexist-VBZ.ACTOR.INTRANS.NOMINALISER-ofI think, therefore I am
2024-09-12 02:30 New translation of "Happy birthday" into Arusian by BlazerZa
Deg-ma beis!
Begining-mother goodness-of
Happy birthday!
2024-09-12 02:18 Changed language: Arusian
- Arusian by Joseph Tayon Trerotola was updated.
2024-09-03 03:28 spaces just joined
Welcome spaces!
2024-09-02 16:07 New translation of "1HGT: #2" into Standard Average Indo-European by tradespin2
ḱís Hésti Hábōl tósjo Jôānāsjo.
ḱí-sDEM.PROX-M.NOM.SGHés-tibe.NPST-3.SG.PRESHábōl-∅apple-M.NOM.SGtó-sjoART.M.OBL-M.GEN.SGJôānā-sjoJohn-M.GEN.SGIt is John’s apple.
2024-09-02 14:56 New translation of "1HGT: #1" into Standard Average Indo-European by tradespin2
só Hábōl Hésti Hrówdhos.
sóART.M.NOM.SGHábōl-∅[e]apple-M.NOM.SGHés-ti[e]be-PRES.SGHrówdh-os[o]red-M.NOM.SGThe apple is red.
2024-09-01 23:26 Changed language: Standard Average Indo-European
- Standard Average Indo-European by tradespin2 was updated.
2024-09-01 22:43 New translation of "Fiat Lingua!" into Standard Average Indo-European by tradespin2
bhūjêti dhn̥ǵhwâs!
bhū-jêtibecome.NPST-3.SG.PRES.SUBJdhn̥ǵhwâ-s!tongue-F.NOM.SGfiat lingua!
2024-09-01 19:37 New translation of "Cogito ergo sum" into Standard Average Indo-European by tradespin2
éǵ téngō, tôd éǵ Hésmi
éǵ téng-ō, t-ôd éǵ Hés-mi 1.SG.NOM [e]think-1.SG.PREST, DEM.ABL be-1.SG.PRESA
I think, therefore I am
2024-09-01 16:20 New translation of "Happy birthday" into Standard Average Indo-European by tradespin2
Had Hwésum (déjnom) ǵónHmosjo!
HadtoHwésu-mgood-ACC(déjno-m)(day-ACC)ǵónHmo-sjo[o]birth-GENHappy birthday!
2024-09-01 15:33 Changed language: Standard Average Indo-European
- Standard Average Indo-European by tradespin2 was updated.