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2022-07-31 20:24 Changed language: Valtal
- Valtal by Xing was updated.
2022-07-30 21:08 New language: Valtal
Xing added Valtal to CALS.
2022-07-30 20:47 Changed language: Tokowaru
- Tokowaru by Xing was updated.
2022-07-30 03:18 New translation of "#5: From the book of chaos" into Šamhešmi by sciric
Ośor feizeti fehaûmi ûrfa. Aja mumu fehaûmi huz pzi î shîtâphok. Majemim ńun aš majekzihej. Tem mokut hfitawma îz mumâk hnu, memahej fehaûn gât. Fehaûne shiprim! Hâpowm nećantanû kzushutuń. Nur huz sisirfes.
[ˈoʑorO-śorIMP-speakβeˈʔiðedifeizet-iwriting-ACCβeˈɦaʔɯmifehaû-michaos-GENˈɯrβaûrfa.first.ˈajaAjamarrowˈmumumu-muwater-GENβeˈɦaʔɯmifehaû-michaos-GENhuθhuzbeholdpθipzioneyîPLsxyˈdɒpχoqshî-tâphok.PCP-fight.ˈmajemimMaje-mimOBV.PL-be_calmɲunńunhereforeaʂašbutmajeˈkθiɦejmaje-kzi-hej.OBV.PL-NEG-move.temTemuponˈmoʁutmo-kutOBV.TRNxβiˈdaɰmahfitawmadreameryθîzfromˈmumɒqmum-âkwater-DATxnuhnu,PROX,ˈmemaɦejme-ma-hejOBV.TRN-INCH-moveβeˈɦaʔɯnfehaûnchaosŋɒtgât.exceedingly.βeˈɦaʔɯneFehaûn-echaos-VOCˈsxibrimshi-prim!PCP-gleam!ˈhɒbowmH-â-powm2-TRN-be_fullneˈɟandanɯnećantan-ûPL.knowledge-ACCˈkθusxuduɲkzu-shu-tuń.NEG-PCP-be_bounded.nurNur2huθhuzbeholdsiˈzirβes]sisirfes.eternity.'Recite the writing of the first chaos. The essence of the water of chaos is contending things. Because of this they are still and do not move. When a dream-shaman ladles from this water, the chaos sets starts moving a great deal. O resplendent chaos! You are full of limitless data. Indeed, you are the cosmos.'
Recite the book of the primal chaos: The essence of the sea of chaos is contending things, so that they remain still, and do not move. When a magician dips from this sea, the chaos begins to move very much. Beautiful chaos! Thou art full of endless bits of information; thou art the world.
2022-07-29 19:37 Changed language: Tokowaru
- Tokowaru by Xing was updated.
2022-07-27 10:38 New translation of "Colorless green dreams" into Tokowaru by Xing
Mota i puri rimi humeyani yanihanahana.
mota i puri rimi hume-yani yani-hana-hana sleep LOC fury dream without-colour colour-grue-PL
Colorless green dreams sleep furiously.
2022-07-27 10:34 New translation of "Genesis 11:1" into Tokowaru by Xing
Nea ki yoru meoka tei chennetoko me tei toko
be DAT earth all one language and one speech
1. And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech.
2022-07-27 10:30 New translation of "Happy birthday" into Tokowaru by Xing
Panakiru happi
pana-kiru happi day-birth happy
Happy birthday!
2022-07-27 10:28 New translation of "All your demands" into Tokowaru by Xing
Rekoare meoka reko oe.
comply all demand 2
All your demands will be met.
2022-07-27 09:08 Changed language: Tokowaru
- Tokowaru by Xing was updated.
2022-07-27 08:52 New translation of "1HGT: #3" into Tokowaru by Xing
Imme a nai appo ki John. Or: Imme ki John a nai appo.
give ERG 1 apple DAT John give DAT John ERG 1 apple
I give John the apple.
2022-07-27 08:48 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 7" into Tokowaru by Xing
I wei naimore.
i wei nai-more LOC way 1-PL
On our way.
2022-07-27 08:38 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 6" into Tokowaru by Xing
i kuttu meko
LOC good very
Very well.
2022-07-27 08:35 New translation of "Proletariat of the world" into Tokowaru by Xing
Okawaku i waru, patei!
oka-waku i waru pa-tei people-work LOC world become-one
Proletariat of the world, unite!
2022-07-26 11:52 New translation of "Travelphrases 2" into Tokowaru by Xing
Nea i wea piki?
be LOC what beach
Where is the beach?
2022-07-26 11:48 New translation of "Farewell" into Tokowaru by Xing
haihai $
bye $
2022-07-26 11:34 Changed language: Tokowaru
- Tokowaru by Xing was updated.
2022-07-26 06:33 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 1" into Tokowaru by Xing
Raka ki atu! Or: Rakaatu!
move DAT out Or: move_out
Move out!
2022-07-26 06:27 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 8" into Tokowaru by Xing
Mana a oa wea? Or: Mana wea oe?
Need ERG 2 what Need what 2
What do you need?
2022-07-26 02:40 New translation of "Travelphrases 4" into Tokowaru by Xing
Huo riki nai i nia!
Don't touch me there!
2022-07-26 02:32 New translation of "Fight linguistic extinction!" into Tokowaru by Xing
Patto ukuuku watoko. Kuru toko!
patto uku-uku watoko kuru toko Fight death-PL linguistic prepare language
Fight linguistic extinction. Invent a language!
2022-07-26 02:20 New translation of "Wanting to give money" into Tokowaru by Xing
Pone a oe na imme manni ki mena i sitti i panapasa.
Want ERG 2 COMPL give money DAT man LOC city LOC yesterday
Why did you want to give the man money in the city yesterday?
2022-07-26 01:31 New translation of "On knowing and not knowing" into Šamhešmi by sciric
Kzûshićantan sja makzûćantan kzûkmaćantanû shejtmi huz šêj. Ourut hunu. Kzûshićantan sja maćantan kzûkmaćantanû shejtmi huz pfiika. Eûrćantan hunu. Shićantan sja makzûćantan kmaćantanû shejtmi huz pfûnûn. Eûrtran hunu. Shićantan sja maćantan kmaćantanû shejtmi huz pfizjaćakaj. Ekrim hunu.
He who knows not and knows not he knows not He is a fool. Shun him. He who knows not and knows he knows not He is a student. Teach him. He who knows and knows not he knows He is asleep. Wake him. He who knows and knows he knows He is wise. Follow him.
2022-07-25 19:55 Changed language: Tokowaru
- Tokowaru by Xing was updated.
2022-07-25 07:38 New translation of "I can eat glass" into Tokowaru by Xing
Kana mate a nai meyarasa, huo hatu a ia nai.
kana mate a nai meya-rasa huo hatu a ia nai can eat ERG 1 thing-glass NEG hurt ERG 3 1
I can eat glass, it does not hurt me.
2022-07-24 20:33 Changed language: Tokowaru
- Tokowaru by Xing was updated.
2022-07-24 18:07 New translation of "Travelphrases 3" into Tokowaru by Xing
Nee i wea puyuyate?
nee i wea puyu-yate be_located LOC where room-drink
Where is the bar?
2022-07-24 17:54 New translation of "Berlitzism" into Tokowaru by Xing
E pennamiti ia? Noso, e yepawinni.
e penna-miti ia no-so e yepa-winni be pen-DIM 3s NEG-true be eye-wind
Is it a pencil? No, it is a window.
2022-07-24 17:52 New translation of "Travelphrases 1" into Tokowaru by Xing
Nee i wea rumu nai?
be_located LOC where room 1s
Where is my room?
2022-07-24 17:47 New translation of "Cogito ergo sum" into Tokowaru by Xing
Ete nai, a ia neewaru nai.
ete nai a ia nee-waru nai think 1s ABL DEM be-world 1a
I think, therefore I am
2022-07-24 16:43 New translation of "Bottle-washing" into Tokowaru by Xing
Huo puru potta i koropuru-koromate.
huo puru potta i koro-puru koro-mate NEG wash bottle LOC tool-clean tool-eat
Don't wash the bottle in the dishwasher
2022-07-24 16:34 New translation of "1HGT: #1" into Tokowaru by Xing
E yanikire appo.
e yani-kire appo be colour-fire apple
The apple is red.
2022-07-24 16:30 New translation of "Colorless green ideas" into Tokowaru by Xing
Mota muipoyopoyo hana i puri.
mota mui-poyo-poyo hana i puri sleep picture-head-PL green LOC fury
Colorless green ideas sleep furiously.
2022-07-24 16:27 New translation of "We are humans" into Tokowaru by Xing
E takaokaoka nainai, me nee a Yoruwaru.
/ɛ takaɔkaɔka nainai mɛ nɛɛ a jɔruwaru/ [ɛ takaɔkaˈɔːka naiˈnaːi mɛ nɛːɛ a jɔruwˈaːru] e takaoka-oka nai-nai me nee a yoru-waru be human-PL 1-PL and be ABL earth-world
We are humans and we are from Earth.
2022-07-24 16:22 New translation of "Merry Christmas!" into Tokowaru by Xing
Kirimaku meri!
/kirimakɔ mɛri/ [kiriˈmaːkɔ ˈmɛːri] Christmas merry
Merry Christmas!
2022-07-24 14:57 Changed language: Tokowaru
- Tokowaru by Xing was updated.
2022-07-24 13:06 New language: Tokowaru
Xing added Tokowaru to CALS.
2022-07-24 12:57 Xing just joined
Welcome Xing!
2022-07-23 13:45 Changed language: Nkarkoa
- Nkarkoa by Cywiliks was updated.
2022-07-23 08:06 New translation of "Travelphrases 1" into Šamhešmi by sciric
Ptatûgoz tjahmi hrej?
[ptadɯˈŋoθPtatû-gozlimb-houseˈtjaʁmitjah-miEX-GENxrej]hrej?Q.where'Where is my room?'
Where is my room?
2022-07-23 07:59 New translation of "Cogito ergo sum" into Šamhešmi by sciric
Aćam śa ha tjah.
[ˈaɟamA-ćamEX-thinkɕaśathenhahaEXISTtjaχ]tjah.EX'That I think implies that there is a me.'
I think, therefore I am
2022-07-23 07:50 New translation of "Fight linguistic extinction!" into Šamhešmi by sciric
Êtâphok kmâmâkhêhî šami. Ees šamû shihrima!
[ødɒpχoqÊ-tâphokIMP-fightkmɒmɒqxøɣykmâ-mâ-khêh-îGER-INCH-be_dead-ACCʂamiša-mi.mouth-GENeʔesE-esIMP-shineʂamɯšam-ûmouth-DATsxiɣrima]shi-hrima!PCP-be_new'Fight the dying of language. Create (lit. illuminate) a new language!'
Fight linguistic extinction. Invent a language!
2022-07-23 07:32 New translation of "We are humans" into Šamhešmi by sciric
Tjeh smur tjeh sûrû îz êrzâk.
TjehPL.EXsmurPL.persontjehPL.EXsûrûherewithîzfromêrz-âk.Earth-DAT.'We are humans, and also we are from Earth.'
We are humans and we are from Earth.
2022-07-10 10:20 New translation of "Farewell" into Šamhešmi by sciric
Pere $e!
Pe-rebefore-OBV-e-VOC'Till then!'
bye $
2022-07-10 10:16 New translation of "Fiat Lingua!" into Šamhešmi by sciric
Hama šam!
Ha-maEXIST-JUSšam!mouth'Let there be language!'
fiat lingua!
2022-07-10 10:03 New translation of "Look on my works, ye Mighty" into Šamhešmi by sciric
Azôfšôm pfiśajfû îz śejtraak shuńon, ša kêm tizeetikse shugot us kopmu môzna ho namahak. Tatrô ho hafak, untuš môt sot mûzna pres shiprak sja meirsej fońu humu zâp shiswaj tsêńê tsoposmu shusroh ûš gâr môzôfšat pfitak fôšûtû hno sja nis meter hnoj tuzoćot âho shikziśrepak hnu, šo mutâk sja môzôfśag hnoju tśiak sja môzôûrôk. Misej zenri ho śothuâk, tsenaš hnu. Âot Muzjâpos-tan-hrasmi taramit taramitmi. Emes pfûzjakûk î fêćêrî tjahmi sû okmuh! Meter kzahapzi zenri. Ok feprakak khumu shugot hno, ugkzutuń imah mîćîn haf shuut shipat umomon.
[aðɤɸʂɤmA-zô-f-šômEX-PST-PFV-seepɸiʑajβɯpfi-śajf-ûAGT-travel-ACCyθîzfromɕejdraʔakśejtra-akearth-DATsxuɲonshu-ńon,PCP-oldʂašasayingkʷømkêmlegtiðeʔedikseti-ze-eti-ksePASS.PCP-PST-ABL-cutsxuŋotshu-gotPCP-be_bigusustwokʷobʷmukop-murock-GENmɤðnamô-znaOBV-sithohoonnamaɣakna-mah-ak.NMLZ-be_empty-DATtadrɤTat-rôby-OBVhohoonhaβakhaf-ak,sand-DATundʷuʂun-tušADV-be_submergedmɤtmôtADVsotsothalfmɯðnamû-znaPROX-sitprespresfacesxibrakshi-prakPCP-be_brokensjasjaRELmeʔirzejme-ir-sejOBV-CAUS-be_apparentɸoɲufo-ńuNMLZ-frownxumuhu-muPROX-GENθɶpzâplipsxizwajshi-swajPCP-be_benttʷsøɲøtsê-ńêNMLZ-sneertʷsobʷozmutso-pos-muNMLZ-govern-GENsxuzroxshu-srohPCP-be_rawɯʂûšCŋɶrgârwellmɤðɤɸʂatmô-zô-f-šatOBV-PST-PFV-readpɸidakpfi-takAGT-buildɸɤʐɯdɯfô-šût-ûNMLZ-feel-ACCxnohnoOBVsjasjaRELnisnisstillmederme-terOBV-survivexnojhnojOBVtʷuðoɟʷottu-zo-ćotPASS.PCP-PST-imprintɶɣoâ-hoto-onsxikθiʑrebakshi-kzi-śrep-akPCP-NEG-live-DATxnuhnu,PROXʂošobeyondmudʷɶkmut-âkhand-DATsjasjaRELmɤðɤɸɕaŋmô-zô-f-śagOBV-PST-PFV-imitatexnoɥuhnoj-uOBV-ACCtɕiʔaktśi-akheart-DATsjasjaRELmɤðɤʔɯɾɤkmô-zô-ûr-ôk.OBV-PST-CAUS-eatmizejMi-sejPROX-be_apparentθenrizen-riexcept-PROXhohoonɕotʷxuʔɶkśothu-âk,basis-DATtsenaʂtse-našNMLZ-utterxnuhnu.PROXɶʔotÂ-otEX-be_calledmuðɥɶbʷos-tan-xrazmiMu-zjâ-pos-tan-hras-miPROX-tend_to-govern-righteousness-sun-GENtaɾamittara-mithalo-one_oftaɾamidmitara-mit-mi.halo-one_of-GENemesE-mesIMP-watchpɸɯðjagɯkpfû-zja-kûkAGT-tend_to-be_ableyîPLɸøɟʷøɾyfê-ćêr-îNMLZ-act-ACCtjaɣmitjah-miEX-GENsɯsûwithogʷmuxo-kmuh!IMP-despairmederMe-terOBV-survivekθaɣapθikza-ha-pziNEG-INDF-HPθenrizen-ri.except-PROXokOkaroundɸebragakfe-prak-akNMLZ-be_broken-DATkʷxumukhu-muruin-GENsxuŋotshu-gotPCP-be_bigxnohno,OBVuŋgðudʷuɲug-kzu-tuńADV-NEG-be_boundedimaxi-mahADV-be_emptymyɟʷynmî-ćînPROX-extendhaɸhafsandsxuʔutshu-utPCP-be_alonesxibatshi-patPCP-be_flatumomon]um-omon.ADV-be_far'I happened on a traveller from an old land saying: Two great severed legs of stone, they sit in the desolation. Next to them on the sand, half buried, sits a broken face, whose frown and crooked lips and sneer of pitiless authority testify that the maker read well that emotion, imprinted onto this unliving thing, which still survives the hand that imitated it and the heart that fed. Apart from this, visible on the pedestal is this utterance. My name is The-Righteousness-of-the-Sun-is-Authoritative, the crown-bearer of crown-bearers. Look, you mastering ones, at my work, and despair! Nothing besides remains. Around the brokenness of that great ruin, boundlessly, desolately, the lone flat sand stretches far away.'
Ozymandias Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command Tell that its sculptor well those passions read Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things, The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed. And on the pedestal these words appear: “My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!” Nothing beside remains. Round the decay Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare The lone and level sands stretch far away.
2022-07-10 09:50 New translation of "The Tower of Babel" into Šamhešmi by sciric
Muśuzośor âru szaśejtra tšamah mak tetmašah mak. Aš pâń kmamahejak îz feshajak, mezefšite kmafšôm gwanû ho śejtraak šinarak, sû muśuzomâsuz hro. Muśuzośor âru tosmor će tosmorâk, ša aj eśiejtak âzêću sû ćetarš henri am sû ha âzêć oš kop, hînâk šêj oš nûstfûs. Muśuzośor sûrû ša aj eśiejtak kosu uktâgozu hešak sû ort humu ho ajzak, orm ćeiršite fotu hešak pfâ êśîkzugâjšîhâfkâr hen szaśejtraak, am. Aš ćazećet ijahwe šuro pfâ ćagajšihmes kosu uktâgozu sja mûśizôftak hit smormu hnoju. Ćâzośor âru ijahwe ša huz mûśisfat negkhet sû ha tšam mak hînâk hjan miśimakôsśô ûjhjan šuhzurš hînî â kzahapziak sja mûśigajšihćam â kmakôsśôak. Aj eśiejfćet šuru orm ćehaûn šamû hîmî hro pfâ mûśikzûgajšihšat šamû tosmor će tosmorâk, am. Ćâzofurâfkâr ijahwe hînî îzrê hen szaśejtraak, sro hjan mûśizôkôftak kosu. Moot kos pafer ńun met hro ćazôfhaûn ijahwe šamû szaśejtrami ijmet îzrê ćêurâfkâr ijahwe hînî hen szaśejtraak.
Mu-śu-zo-śor â-ru sza-śejtra t-šam-ah mak te-tmaš-ah mak. Aš pâń kma-ma-hej-ak îz fe-shaj-ak, me-ze-f-šite kma-f-šôm gwan-û ho śejtra-ak šinar-ak, sû mu-śu-zo-mâ-suz h-ro. Mu-śu-zo-śor â-ru to-smor će to-smor-âk, ša aj e-śi-ej-tak âzêć-u sû će-tarš hen-ri am sû ha âzêć oš kop, hîn-âk šêj oš nûstfûs. Mu-śu-zo-śor sû-rû ša aj e-śi-ej-tak kos-u uktâ-goz-u heš-ak sû ort hu-mu ho ajz-ak, orm će-ir-šite fot-u heš-ak pfâ ê-śî-kzu-gâj-šîh-âfkâr hen sza-śejtra-ak, am. Aš ća-ze-ćet ijahwe šu-ro pfâ ća-gaj-ših-mes kos-u uktâ-goz-u sja mû-śi-zô-f-tak hit smor-mu hnoj-u. Ćâ-zo-śor â-ru ijahwe ša huz mû-śi-sfat negk-het sû ha t-šam mak hîn-âk hjan mi-śi-ma-kôsśô ûj-hjan šuh-zurš hîn-î â kza-ha-pzi-ak sja mû-śi-gaj-ših-ćam â kma-kôsśô-ak. Aj e-śi-ej-f-ćet šu-ru orm će-haûn šam-û hî-mî h-ro pfâ mû-śi-kzû-gaj-ših-šat šam-û to-smor će to-smor-âk, am. Ćâ-zo-f-ur-âfkâr ijahwe hîn-î îz-rê hen sza-śejtra-ak, s-ro hjan mû-śi-zô-kôf-tak kos-u. Mo-ot kos pafer ńun met h-ro ća-zô-f-haûn ijahwe šam-û sza-śejtra-mi ij-met îz-rê ćê-ur-âfkâr ijahwe hîn-î hen sza-śejtra-ak. PROX-PL-PST-speak about-PROX all-earth SGV-mouth-INS one SGV-tongue-INS one but along GER-INCH-move-DAT from NMLZ-appear_in_glory-DAT OBV-PST-PFV-come_to_be GER-PFV-see lowland-ACC on earth-DAT Šinʿār-DAT with PROX-PL-PST-INCH-dwell on-PROX PROX-PL-PST-speak about-PROX SGV-person facing SGV-person-DAT saying come IN-PL-JUS-build brick-ACC with CONJ-bake through-PROX so_saying with EXIST brick as rock PROX.PL-DAT mud as mortar PROX-PL-PST-speak with-PROX saying come IN-PL-JUS-build village-ACC AUG-house-ACC IN.PL-DAT with top PROX-GEN on sky-DAT and CONJ-CAUS-come_to_be name-ACC PROX.PL-DAT so_that IN-PL-NEG-SJV-FUT-disperse through all-earth-DAT so_saying but PRC-PST-come Yahweh under-OBV so_that PRC-SJV-FUT-watch village-ACC AUG-house-ACC REL PROX-PL-PST-PFV-build offspring.PL person-GEN OBV-ACC PRC-PST-speak about-PROX Yahweh saying behold PROX-PL-cohere group_of-offspring with EXIST SGV-mouth one PROX.PL-DAT so PROX-PL-INCH-do_that and-so FUT-bar PROX.PL-ACC about NEG-INDF-HP-DAT REL PROX-PL-SJV-FUT-think about GER-do_that-DAT come IN-PL-JUS-PFV-come under-PROX and CONJ-stir mouth-ACC PROX.PL-GEN on-OBV so_that PROX-PL-NEG-SJV-FUT-read mouth-ACC SGV-person facing SGV-person-DAT so_saying PRC-PST-PFV-CAUS-disperse Yahweh PROX.PL-ACC from-OBV through all-earth-DAT for-OBV so PROX-PL-PST-CESS-build village-ACC OBV-be_called village Bāḇel herefore because on-OBV PRC-PST-PFV-stir Yahweh mouth-ACC all-earth-GEN and-because from-OBV CONJ-CAUS-disperse Yahweh PROX.PL-ACC through all-earth-DAT ‘Now all the land spoke with one language (mouth) and one speech (tongue). But at the time of setting out from the east, it happened that they saw a lowland in the land of Šinʿār, with them settling there. And so they spoke to one another, saying, “Come, let’s put bricks together, baking (them) through”, as they had bricks for rock and sticky mud for mortar. They further spoke, saying, “Come, let’s build us a town and an enormous house, with the top of it upon the sky, and bring about a name for ourselves so that we might not scatter through all the land.” But Yahweh came below so that he might look at the town and the enormous house that the children of people built. On that, Yahweh spoke, saying, “Look, the clan are united, having one language, so they set out to do that, and so they will be barred from nothing that they might think about doing. Come, let us come below and throw their language into confusion there, so that, one to another, they might not apprehend the language.” So Yahweh scattered them from there through all the land, and so they stopped building the town. For this reason the town is called Bāḇel, because there Yahweh threw the language of all the land into confusion, and because from there Yahweh scattered them through all the land.’
And all the earth had one language and one tongue. And it came about that in their wandering from the east, they came to a stretch of flat country in the land of Shinar, and there they made their living-place. And they said one to another, Come, let us make bricks, burning them well. And they had bricks for stone, putting them together with sticky earth. And they said, Come, let us make a town, and a tower whose top will go up as high as heaven; and let us make a great name for ourselves, so that we may not be wanderers over the face of the earth. And the Lord came down to see the town and the tower which the children of men were building. And the Lord said, See, they are all one people and have all one language; and this is only the start of what they may do: and now it will not be possible to keep them from any purpose of theirs. Come, let us go down and take away the sense of their language, so that they will not be able to make themselves clear to one another. So the Lord God sent them away into every part of the earth: and they gave up building their town. So it was named Babel, because there the Lord took away the sense of all languages and from there the Lord sent them away over all the face of the earth.
2022-07-10 09:42 Changed language: Šamhešmi
- Šamhešmi by sciric was updated.
2022-07-10 09:41 New language: Šamhešmi
sciric added Šamhešmi to CALS.
Eśrep Šam hešmi (And that's how you greet someone in Šamhešmi.)
Šamhešmi's homepage is at http://sciric.sophoncy.net/conlangs/.
2022-07-10 08:00 Changed language: Mîrkšam
- Mîrkšam by Strahinja Ćirić was updated.