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2022-04-29 06:22 New translation of "Wanting to give money" into Qaelian by Enrique Gamez

Héé pesáawáá sem-oosúurh qes-tiírh sakh-biírh íispaash qéetim?

héé pes-áa-wáá          sem-oosúurh qes-tiírh sakh-biírh íispaash  qéetim
2SG 2.OBSERVED-give-DES ACC-man     INS-money LOC-city   yesterday why

Why did you want to give the man money in the city yesterday?

2022-04-29 04:01 Changed language: Qaelian

Qaelian by Enrique Gamez was updated.

2022-04-29 03:18 New translation of "Fiat Lingua!" into Qaelian by Enrique Gamez

Iih eewhúth!

iih eewhúth
be  language

fiat lingua!

2022-04-29 03:02 New translation of "Travelphrases 2" into Qaelian by Enrique Gamez

Iih ís-iíspaas piis?

iih ís-iíspaas    piis
be  NOM.DEF-beach where

Where is the beach?

2022-04-29 02:51 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 5" into Qaelian by Enrique Gamez

Iih qosh-wéesh hháá?

iih qosh-wéesh   hháá
be  NOM.DEF-plan what

What's the plan?

2022-04-29 00:19 New translation of "On knowing and not knowing" into Qaelian by Enrique Gamez

Chiwhiméiwémá híirh, chiwhiméiwáam qosh-chiwhiméíth, Chasíihii koóth. Areéth paséem. Chiwhiméiwémá híirh, chiwhéiwáam qosh-chiwhiméíth, Chasíihii oórhe. Aásaáth paséem. Chiwhéiwémá híirh, chiwhiméiwáam qosh-chiwhéíth, Chasíihii efoósthe. Aátáas paséem. Chiwhéiwémá híirh, chiwhéiwáam qosh-chiwhéíth, Chasíihii waáhh. Isuúthpaah eséem.

chiwh-im-éi-wémá         híirh   chiwh-im-éi-wáam          qosh-chiwh-im-éí-th

chas-íih-ii       koóth areéth pa-séem.
3.DEDUCED-be-then fool  shun   ACC-3SG.LIQUID

chiwh-im-éi-wémá         híirh   chiwh-éi-wáam         qosh-chiwh-im-éí-th

(in progress!)

chas-íih-ii oórhe aásaáth pa-séem

chiwh-éi-wémá híirh chiwh-im-éi-wáam qosh-chiwh-éí-th
chas-íih-ii ef-oósthe aátáas pa-séem

chiwh-éi-wémá híirh chiwh-éi-wáam qosh-chiwh-éí-th
chas-íih-ii waáhh isuúthpaah e-séem

He who knows not and knows not he knows not He is a fool. Shun him. He who knows not and knows he knows not He is a student. Teach him. He who knows and knows not he knows He is asleep. Wake him. He who knows and knows he knows He is wise. Follow him.

2022-04-28 21:26 Changed language: Qaelian

Qaelian by Enrique Gamez was updated.

2022-04-25 00:16 New translation of "We are humans" into Qaelian by Enrique Gamez

Khesíih praa deérh khesíiháam ghishéé ís-Éerthe.

khes-íih      praa deérh khes-íih-áam       ghi-shéé     ákh-Éerthe
1.OBSERVED-be we   human 1.OBSERVED-be-CONJ 3SG.GAS-from GEN-Earth

We are humans and we are from Earth.

2022-04-24 22:32 New translation of "Olivia" into Qaelian by Enrique Gamez



2022-04-24 22:31 New translation of "Oliver" into Qaelian by Enrique Gamez



2022-04-24 22:29 New translation of "Mia" into Qaelian by Enrique Gamez



2022-04-24 22:28 New translation of "Mary " into Qaelian by Enrique Gamez



2022-04-24 22:26 New translation of "Leon" into Qaelian by Enrique Gamez



2022-04-24 22:25 New translation of "James" into Qaelian by Enrique Gamez



2022-04-24 22:24 New translation of "Jacob" into Qaelian by Enrique Gamez



2022-04-24 22:23 New translation of "Emma" into Qaelian by Enrique Gamez



2022-04-24 22:19 New translation of "1HGT: want" into Qaelian by Enrique Gamez

Zíkhewháawáá gée piséem.

zí-khewh-áa-wáá             gée pi-séem

I want to give it to her.

2022-04-24 22:11 New translation of "1HGT: past" into Qaelian by Enrique Gamez

Záa séem tewáá sem-Jóón.

záa  séem       tewáá sem-Jóón
give 3SG.LIQUID past  ACC-John

He has given it to John.

2022-04-24 22:06 New translation of "1HGT: future" into Qaelian by Enrique Gamez

Zíchésáa séem piséem.

zí-chés-áa          séem       pi-séem

She will give it to him.

2022-04-24 21:55 New translation of "1HGT: #4" into Qaelian by Enrique Gamez

Khesáa praa qas-ríufiís piséem.

khes-áa    praa qas-ríufiís pi-séem

We give him the apple.

2022-04-24 21:48 New translation of "1HGT: #6" into Qaelian by Enrique Gamez

Zikáa séem piséem.

zik-áa     séem       pi-séem

She gives it to him.

2022-04-24 21:39 Changed language: Qaelian

Qaelian by Enrique Gamez was updated.

2022-04-23 14:39 Changed language: Tchummuchalese

Tchummuchalese by Cywiliks was updated.

2022-04-23 13:25 New language: Tchummuchalese

Cywiliks added Tchummuchalese to CALS.

Eni kqutrei! Lorm Txummutxâl (And that's how you greet someone in Tchummuchalese.)

2022-04-23 13:12 Cywiliks just joined

Welcome Cywiliks!

2022-04-23 00:58 New translation of "1HGT: #5" into Qaelian by Enrique Gamez

Záa séem sem-Jóón.

záa            séem       sem-Jóón

He gives it to John.

2022-04-23 00:51 New translation of "1HGT: negative #3" into Qaelian by Enrique Gamez

Khesínzáa gée sem-Jóón qes-ríufiís.

khes-ín-záa         gée sem-Jóón qes-ríufiís
1.OBSERVED-NEG-give I   ACC-John INS-apple

I don't give John the apple.

2022-04-23 00:45 New translation of "1HGT: #3" into Qaelian by Enrique Gamez

Khézáa gée sem-Jóón qes-ríufiís.

khé-záa         gée sem-Jóón qes-ríufiís
1.OBSERVED-give I   ACC-John INS-apple

I give John the apple.

2022-04-23 00:27 New translation of "1HGT: neative #1" into Qaelian by Enrique Gamez

Chisímiih qas-ríufiís aáhpe.

chis-ím-iih       qas-ríufiís   aáhpe
3.OBSERVED-NEG-be NOM.DEF-apple red

The apple is not red.

2022-04-23 00:24 New translation of "1HGT: #2" into Qaelian by Enrique Gamez

Chasíih sukh-Jóón qas-ríufiís.

chas-íih     sukh-Jóón qas-ríufiís
3.DEDUCED-be GEN-John  NOM.DEF-apple

It is John’s apple.

2022-04-23 00:13 New translation of "1HGT: #1" into Qaelian by Enrique Gamez

Chisíih qas-ríufiís aáhpe.

chis-íih      qas-ríufiís aáhpe
3.OBSERVED-be DEF-apple red

The apple is red.

2022-04-22 22:58 New translation of "Cogito ergo sum" into Qaelian by Enrique Gamez

Khesémqá, khusiihii.

khes-émqá        khus-iih-ii

1.OBSERVED-think 1.DEDUCED-be-therefore

I think, therefore I am

2022-04-22 21:40 Changed language: Qaelian

Qaelian by Enrique Gamez was updated.

2022-04-12 19:27 Paul just joined

Welcome Paul!

2022-04-04 01:36 Changed language: Mini

Mini by S.C. Gruget was updated.

2022-04-03 21:10 New language: Mini

pi-kayur added Mini to CALS.

Mini's homepage is at https://minilanguage.com/.