« September October November »
2018-10-30 19:52 Changed language: Delniit
- Delniit by Zarainia was updated.
2018-10-29 00:02 Changed language: Novial
- Novial by Otto Jespersen was updated.
2018-10-28 23:59 Changed language: Intal
- Intal by Erich Weferling was updated.
2018-10-28 23:54 Changed language: Novial
- Novial by Otto Jespersen was updated.
2018-10-28 23:53 Changed language: Intal
- Intal by Erich Weferling was updated.
2018-10-28 23:49 Changed language: Novial
- Novial by Otto Jespersen was updated.
2018-10-28 23:35 New language: Intal
pi-kayur added Intal to CALS.
2018-10-24 18:58 Changed language: Bologau
- Bologau by Zarainia was updated.
2018-10-24 18:21 Changed language: Delniit
- Delniit by Zarainia was updated.
2018-10-24 18:21 Changed language: Bologau
- Bologau by Zarainia was updated.
2018-10-22 17:49 iahunlang21 just joined
Welcome iahunlang21!
2018-10-19 23:03 Changed language: griuskant
- griuskant by Reyzadren was updated.
2018-10-19 22:16 Changed language: Hesperian (New)
- Hesperian (New) by Rhebeqah was updated.
2018-10-17 22:05 Changed language: Voksigid
- Voksigid by Bruce Gilson et al. was updated.
2018-10-17 18:58 Changed language: Delniit
- Delniit by Zarainia was updated.
2018-10-17 18:58 Changed language: Bologau
- Bologau by Zarainia was updated.
2018-10-17 18:20 Changed language: Delniit
- Delniit by Zarainia was updated.
2018-10-17 18:16 Changed language: Ancient Draconian
- Ancient Draconian by Zarainia was updated.
2018-10-17 17:57 Changed language: Delniit
- Delniit by Zarainia was updated.
2018-10-17 17:56 Changed language: Bologau
- Bologau by Zarainia was updated.
2018-10-17 17:49 Changed language: Delniit
- Delniit by Zarainia was updated.
2018-10-17 16:57 Changed language: Bologau
- Bologau by Zarainia was updated.
2018-10-17 16:40 Changed language: Delniit
- Delniit by Zarainia was updated.
2018-10-15 10:58 Too just joined
Welcome Too!
2018-10-15 05:06 Changed language: Isoldian
- Isoldian by Gintamil was updated.
2018-10-14 02:33 New translation of "Colorless green dreams" into Delniit by Zarainia
Losaʒaı yoʟ ſʟeччı aᴧeɴтıʟ zoггs.
Losaʒa-ıdream-syoʟwithoutſʟeчч-ıcolour-saᴧeɴт-ıʟfurious-lyzoгг-s.sleep-3PL.PRSColorless green dreams sleep furiously.
2018-10-14 01:15 New translation of "1HGT: want" into Delniit by Zarainia
Za vгa ʟıг ѳaccaʟ-ѳıг cʟoгᴧᴧ.
ZaIvгathatʟıгit.OBJѳacc-aʟ=ѳıгgive-OPT=3SG.OBJcʟoгᴧᴧ-Ø.want-1SG.PRSI want to give it to her.
2018-10-14 01:11 New translation of "1HGT: past" into Delniit by Zarainia
Ѳo o Ԍeaɴɴ oг ѳaccгe-ʟıг.
Ѳo3SGotoԌeaɴɴJohnoг-Øhas-3SG.PRSѳacc-гe=ʟıг.give-PTCP=it.OBJHe has given it to John.
2018-10-14 01:09 New translation of "1HGT: negative #3" into Delniit by Zarainia
Za ㇿ тaccıce o Ԍeaɴɴ ѳaccocc.
ZaIㇿtheтaccıceappleotoԌeaɴɴJohnѳacc-Ø-occ.give-1SG.PRS-NEGI don't give John the apple.
2018-10-14 01:07 New translation of "1HGT: neative #1" into Delniit by Zarainia
☐ тaccıce ʟıs wax.
☐theтaccıceappleʟısnotwax.redThe apple is not red.
2018-10-14 01:07 New translation of "1HGT: must" into Delniit by Zarainia
Za a ʟıг ѳaccà-ѳıг cʟaгг.
ZaIatoʟıгit.OBJѳacc-à=ѳıгgive-INF=3SG.OBJcʟaгг-Ø.must-1SG.PRSI must give it to him.
2018-10-14 01:05 New translation of "1HGT: future" into Delniit by Zarainia
Ѳo ʟıг ѳaccoгг-ѳıг.
Ѳo3SGʟıгit.OBJѳacc-oг=ѳıг.give-3SG.FUT=3SG.OBJShe will give it to him.
2018-10-14 01:03 New translation of "1HGT: #6" into Delniit by Zarainia
Ѳo ʟıг ѳacc-ѳıг.
Ѳo3SGʟıгit.OBJѳacc-Ø=ѳıг.give-3SG.PRS=3SG.OBJShe gives it to him.
2018-10-14 01:01 New translation of "1HGT: #5" into Delniit by Zarainia
Ѳo o Ԍeaɴɴ ѳacc-ʟıг.
Ѳo3SGotoԌeaɴɴJohnѳacc-Ø=ʟıг.give-3SG.PRS=it.OBJHe gives it to John.
2018-10-14 00:47 New translation of "1HGT: #4" into Delniit by Zarainia
Seгcas ㇿ тaccıce ѳaccas-ѳıг.
Seгcaswe.EXCLㇿtheтaccıceappleѳacc-as=ѳıг.give-1PL.PRS=himWe give him the apple.
2018-10-14 00:45 New translation of "1HGT: #3" into Delniit by Zarainia
Za ㇿ тaccıce o Ԍeaɴɴ ѳacc.
ZaIㇿtheтaccıceappleotoԌeaɴɴJohnѳacc.give.I give John the apple.
2018-10-14 00:43 New translation of "1HGT: #2" into Delniit by Zarainia
Loㇿ т Ԍeaɴɴ тaccıce zaɴɴ.
LoㇿitтPOSSԌeaɴɴJohnтaccıceapplezaɴɴ.is.It is John’s apple.
2018-10-14 00:42 New translation of "1HGT: #1" into Delniit by Zarainia
☐ тaccıcce wax.
☐theтaccıcceapplewax.red.The apple is red.
2018-10-14 00:32 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 2" into Delniit by Zarainia
2018-10-14 00:32 New translation of "Wanting to give money" into Delniit by Zarainia
Ψıм a ㇿ мoм ıʟᴧıѳ ѳaccà ıɴ ㇿ cʟave тoɸ cʟoгᴧᴧı ʒıг?
why to the man money give;INF in the city yesterday wanted you
Why did you want to give the man money in the city yesterday?
2018-10-13 12:54 uzerodeuxazerodeux just joined
Welcome uzerodeuxazerodeux!
2018-10-11 23:53 Changed language: Missa
- Missa by sodarayag was updated.
2018-10-08 14:14 Changed language: Melfem
- Melfem by Josh Regev was updated.
2018-10-06 07:50 New language: Melfem
jsrgev added Melfem to CALS.
paliw /ˈpalju/ Melfem (And that's how you greet someone in Melfem.)
Melfem's homepage is at http://www.jsrgev.net/conlangs.
2018-10-06 01:11 Changed language: Sambahsa
- Sambahsa by Dr. Olivier Simon was updated.
2018-10-05 17:51 New language: Sambahsa
pi-kayur added Sambahsa to CALS.
2018-10-04 18:58 Changed language: Delniit
- Delniit by Zarainia was updated.
2018-10-04 18:57 Changed language: Bologau
- Bologau by Zarainia was updated.
2018-10-04 15:53 Changed language: Ancient Draconian
- Ancient Draconian by Zarainia was updated.
2018-10-04 15:53 Changed language: Delniit
- Delniit by Zarainia was updated.
2018-10-04 15:53 Changed language: Bologau
- Bologau by Zarainia was updated.
2018-10-04 15:14 Changed language: Ancient Draconian
- Ancient Draconian by Zarainia was updated.
2018-10-04 15:11 Changed language: Bologau
- Bologau by Zarainia was updated.
2018-10-04 14:53 Changed language: Delniit
- Delniit by Zarainia was updated.
2018-10-04 14:47 Changed language: Bologau
- Bologau by Zarainia was updated.
2018-10-04 12:56 Changed language: Lojban
- Lojban by The Logical Language Group, Inc. was updated.
2018-10-03 22:11 Changed language: Esata
- Esata by Pafu Bothi was updated.
2018-10-03 18:56 Changed language: Bologau
- Bologau by Zarainia was updated.
2018-10-03 18:40 Changed language: Delniit
- Delniit by Zarainia was updated.
2018-10-03 18:35 New language: Bologau
zarainia added Bologau to CALS.