« September October November »
2017-10-23 14:41 Changed language: Ancient Caspian
- Ancient Caspian by Brv was updated.
2017-10-19 11:42 New language: Ancient Caspian
Brv added Ancient Caspian to CALS.
2017-10-18 06:21 New translation of "We are humans" into Nummiinmaak by marvelousbecca
Gup hettompt a up nilesex Tslas.
g-up1PL.SBJ-behett-omptcommonality-personaANDupbenil-es-exbeginning-place-1PL.POSTslasEarthWe are humans and we are from Earth.
2017-10-18 06:14 New translation of "Fiat Lingua!" into Nummiinmaak by marvelousbecca
Ve-up ganalt!
ve=upOPT=began-altlanguage-discrete.manifestationfiat lingua!
2017-10-12 16:07 Changed language: Plitchik
- Plitchik by HeathrJarrod was updated.
2017-10-10 13:53 New language: Plitchik
heathrjarrod added Plitchik to CALS.
2017-10-10 10:56 Changed language: Lortho
- Lortho by Brian Bourque was updated.
2017-10-10 10:54 New translation of "1HGT: past" into Lortho by bbbourq
madhihini ame shanimela
madhid-in-igive-PRS.PRF-3MSGa-mePN.3NSG-ACCshan-imelajohn-DATHe has given it to John.
2017-10-10 09:59 New translation of "1HGT: future" into Lortho by bbbourq
madhidainu ame imela.
madhid-ain-ugive-FUT-3FSGa-mePN.3NSG-ACCi-melaPN.3MSG-DATShe will give it to him.
2017-10-10 05:25 heathrjarrod just joined
heathrjarrod, who joined on Oct. 10, 2017, 5:25 a.m., is now Doing Stuff!
2017-10-10 05:04 hoffmad08 just joined
hoffmad08, who joined on Oct. 10, 2017, 5:04 a.m., is now Doing Stuff!
2017-10-09 04:04 Changed language: Pictish
- Pictish by Rebecca Ashling was updated.
2017-10-02 05:28 Changed language: Lortho
- Lortho by Brian Bourque was updated.