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2017-04-30 23:24 New translation of "Proletariat of the world" into Gadu Fav by marvelousbecca
Rõdetavẽhĩha Sras, zẽ-nãhojtm!
Proletariat of the world, unite!
2017-04-30 23:11 New translation of "Proletariat of the world" into Toki Pona by marvelousbecca
jan pali ali o kama wan!
Proletariat of the world, unite!
2017-04-30 22:59 New translation of "Proletariat of the world" into Ido by marvelousbecca
Proletariaro del tota mondo, unionesez!
Proletariat of the world, unite!
2017-04-30 22:54 New translation of "Proletariat of the world" into Interlingua by marvelousbecca
Proletariato del mundo, uni vos!
Proletariat of the world, unite!
2017-04-30 21:47 New translation of "Proletariat of the world" into Khan Khaftim by marvelousbecca
Lontafrima Tslas, ren-namojtm!
lon-t-afr-im-ahuman-similar-work-PL-VOCTslasEarth,,ren=n-amojtmIMP=INF-uniteProletariat of the world, unite!
2017-04-30 20:46 Changed language: Common Honey
- Common Honey by The Common Honey Tribe was updated.
2017-04-30 19:07 New translation of "Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights" into Velan by Daniel Parker
Tuots is essërs umans naxën libërs ed iuals in dêtèt ed in drets ed, essen duats kor-rason ed kôxens, den kôportarës fratennammen is uns kôs altërs.
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
2017-04-30 14:23 New language: Dheneydabus
marvelousbecca added Dheneydabus to CALS.
Leyele! Ðeneydabus (And that's how you greet someone in Dheneydabus.)
2017-04-30 14:16 Changed language: Ladochei T'oleithe
- Ladochei T'oleithe by Becca was updated.
2017-04-30 10:23 New translation of "On knowing and not knowing" into Esperanto by marvelousbecca
Kiu ne scias kaj ne scias ke li ne scias, tiu estas stultulo. Evitu lin. Kiu ne scias kaj scias ke li ne scias, tiu estas studento. Instruu lin. Kiu scias kaj ne scias ke li scias, tiu estas dormanto. Veku lin. Kiu scias kaj scias ke li scias, tiu estas saĝulo. Sekvu lin.
He who knows not and knows not he knows not He is a fool. Shun him. He who knows not and knows he knows not He is a student. Teach him. He who knows and knows not he knows He is asleep. Wake him. He who knows and knows he knows He is wise. Follow him.
2017-04-30 10:22 New translation of "On knowing and not knowing" into Europanto by marvelousbecca
Kiu ne scias kaj ne scias ke li ne scias, tiu estas stultulo. Evitu lin. Kiu ne scias kaj scias ke li ne scias, tiu estas studento. Instruu lin. Kiu scias kaj ne scias ke li scias, tiu estas dormanto. Veku lin. Kiu scias kaj scias ke li scias, tiu estas saĝulo. Sekvu lin.
He who knows not and knows not he knows not He is a fool. Shun him. He who knows not and knows he knows not He is a student. Teach him. He who knows and knows not he knows He is asleep. Wake him. He who knows and knows he knows He is wise. Follow him.
2017-04-30 10:18 New translation of "On knowing and not knowing" into Interlingua by marvelousbecca
Ille qui non sape e non sape que ille non sape Ille es un imbecille. Evita le. Ille qui non sape e sape que ille non sape Ille es un studente. Insenia le. Ille qui sape e non sape que ille sape Ille es addormite. Evelia le. Ille qui sape e sape que ille sape Ille es sapiente. Seque le.
He who knows not and knows not he knows not He is a fool. Shun him. He who knows not and knows he knows not He is a student. Teach him. He who knows and knows not he knows He is asleep. Wake him. He who knows and knows he knows He is wise. Follow him.
2017-04-30 10:13 New translation of "On knowing and not knowing" into Ido by marvelousbecca
Lu qua ne savas e ne savas ke lu ne savas Lu es stulto. Evitez lu. Lu qua ne savas e savas ke lu ne savas Lu es lernanto. Instruktez lu. Lu qua savas e ne savas ke lu savas Lu es dormanto. Vekigez lu. Lu qua savas e savas ke lu savas Lu es sajo. Sequez lu.
He who knows not and knows not he knows not He is a fool. Shun him. He who knows not and knows he knows not He is a student. Teach him. He who knows and knows not he knows He is asleep. Wake him. He who knows and knows he knows He is wise. Follow him.
2017-04-30 06:56 New translation of "On knowing and not knowing" into Khan Khaftim by marvelousbecca
Etj mentj wekt pha wekt fraw-wekt Etj me lattont. Re'natonkhu. Etj mentj wekt pha ekt fraw-wekt Etj me nittsin. Re'nektnu. Etj mentj ekt pha wekt fra-ekt Etj ajm. Re'nunkknu. Etj mentj ekt pha ekt fra-ekt Etj me pekjarlnau. Re'nantj lin.
He who knows not and knows not he knows not He is a fool. Shun him. He who knows not and knows he knows not He is a student. Teach him. He who knows and knows not he knows He is asleep. Wake him. He who knows and knows he knows He is wise. Follow him.
2017-04-30 00:02 Djino just joined
Djino, who joined on April 30, 2017, 12:02 a.m., is now Doing Stuff!
2017-04-29 19:37 Changed language: Draconic
- Draconic by WhimsicalXellos was updated.
2017-04-29 10:26 New translation of "You keep using that word..." into Gadu Fav by marvelousbecca
Sobu navrĩdu mojnĩ ẽdau. Kwup nersu vãd-ausẽhu mẽdo sersu vãd-ausẽhu.
s-ob-u2SG.SBJ-keep-3SG.NTOP.OBJn-avrĩd-uINF-use-3SG.NTOP.OBJmoj-n-ĩone-NMZ-sayẽd-authat-ADJ..k-wup1SG.SBJ-NEGn-ers-uINF-think-3SG.NTOP.OBJvãd=ausẽh-uthat=mean-3SG.NTOP.OBJmẽ-doREL-ACCs-ers-u2SG.SBJ-think-3SG.NTOP.OBJvãd=ausẽh-uthat=mean-3SG.NTOP.OBJ..You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
2017-04-29 09:41 New translation of "You keep using that word..." into Ladochei T'oleithe by marvelousbecca
Likusçe likusçeli saneir reseir. Hi daðop ço nyadoçça leikeir daðus ço nyadoçça.
lik[us]çeuse[2SG.AN2]lik[us]çe-liuse[2SG.AN2]-ANDsan-eirDIST-DEF.ACCres-eirword-DEF.ACC..hiNEGdað-opthink-1SG.AN2çothatnyad[oç]çamean[3SG.INAN]leik-eirwhat-DEF.ACCdað-usthink-2SG.AN2çothatnyad[oç]çamean[3SG.INAN]..You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
2017-04-29 09:11 New translation of "You keep using that word..." into Khan Khaftim by marvelousbecca
Sopp niptu tjor-res tjau. Ketj wels fra-ausu tjom=mentj sels fra-ausu.
s-opp n-ipt-u tjor=res tjau . ketj w-els fra=aus-u tjom=mentj s-els fra=aus-u . 2SG.SBJ-keep INF-use-3SG.OBJ ACC=word DEM.ADJ . PRO.1SG.SBJ NEG-think that=mean-3SG.OBJ ACC=REL 2SG.SBJ-think that=mean-3SG.OBJ
You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
2017-04-29 08:36 New translation of "You keep using that word..." into Toki Pona by marvelousbecca
sina awen kepeken e nimi ni tawa toki ijo. mi pilin e ni: ona li toki ala e ni.
You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
2017-04-29 08:20 New translation of "You keep using that word..." into Interlingua by marvelousbecca
Vos continua usar ille parola. Io non pensa que illo significa lo que vos pensa que illo significa.
You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
2017-04-29 08:16 New translation of "You keep using that word..." into Ido by marvelousbecca
Vu uzadas ta vorto. Me ne pensas ke ol signifikas to quon vu pensas ke ol signifikas.
You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
2017-04-29 08:11 New translation of "You keep using that word..." into Ganur Lon by marvelousbecca
Mojnim me sobu nipto. Kwantu van-ausu me-santu van-auso.
moj-n-im me s-ob-u n-ipt-o . k-w-ant-u van=aus-u me=s-ant-u van=aus-o ec one-NMZ.INAN-say TOP 2SG.SBJ-repeat-3SG.NTOP.OBJ INF-use-3SG.TOP.OBJ . 1SG.SBJ-NEG-think-3SG.NTOP.OBJ that=mean-3SG.NTOP.OBJ REL=2SG.SBJ-think-3SG.NTOP.OBJ that=mean-3SG.TOP.OBJ
You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
2017-04-29 07:52 Changed language: Urracheg
- Urracheg by WhimsicalXellos was updated.
2017-04-29 07:52 Changed language: Jerreneth
- Jerreneth by WhimsicalXellos was updated.
2017-04-29 07:51 Changed language: Faljuurodh
- Faljuurodh by WhimsicalXellos was updated.
2017-04-29 07:51 Changed language: Diplomatic Shessith
- Diplomatic Shessith by WhimsicalXellos was updated.
2017-04-29 07:45 Changed language: Draconic
- Draconic by WhimsicalXellos was updated.
2017-04-28 21:52 New translation of "The Tower of Babel" into Gravgaln by AWalkerScott
Bboeneugh. Êrthskleuv nivkh bbohhostoch' dlólzblîng vrra lî yéshblîngîn huegh. Bboeneugh. Hyumônmasîn strréhliuvñukquech' veulzhj'ê bboekêřhatsazhaghch' Shinarhj'ê ku khelkj'ê zheg bbosléuphatszemch' yûch' zheg. Lzammasîn bboghovqgaśch' hwekhtskleuvîn, “Jha! Dluevzemq kachavskleuvîn zheg rvazhzhehlq kachavholpîn gronskleuv zheg.” Lzammasîn bbodd'angch' kachavskleuvîn khlaqśangîn zheg jopskleuv smeqśang zheg. Lzammasîn bboghovqgaśch', “Jha! Mongvzaq zdrrêngskleuv lî hlonzhskleuv dzagblîng ngudj'ê. Lzammasîn llórkhméuq khroltskleuv lzamblîngîn ka tlashkhiuhliuvkróeshshkitrhovoñ nivkh Êrthholp nezh dzaghj'ê.” Nivqhrarghmas dzazgrazhhliuvch' skimmék zdrrêngbrall lî hlonzhbrall bhu bbomongch' Hyumônmasîn ku zhéungîn. Nivqrharghmas bboghovch', “Jha! Lzammasîn hhavrrakezhzhaghaqg zheg dlólzmas hhavrrakezhzhaghaqg zheg ka łuich' dd'askllêgêqg zheg. Rvalt lzamskleuvîn nékhkot'oqzhagharr mefholp bhu lzammasîn skômongzhagharr tselkholp. Jha! Hliuvhleuvq nga lihlźyakhañ róch' lzamhôrmîn ku dlólzskleuv ka lzamskleuvîn théuqollqgaśzhagarr hwekhtharm ku dlólzblîng.” Nivqrharghmas slihlhliuvgroenshkitrhovch' lzamskleuvîn Êrthj'ê zheg lzamskleuvîn nédzamongch' zdrrêngharm zheg. Ka khroltskleuv Babelśang guell Nivqrharghmas róch' bboelihlźyakhch' dlólzskleuv ku nivkh Êrthharm zheg Nivqrharghmas róch'hrov bboelihlhliuvgroenshkitrhovch' lzamskleuvîn nivkh Êrthj'ê zheg.
And all the earth had one language and one tongue. And it came about that in their wandering from the east, they came to a stretch of flat country in the land of Shinar, and there they made their living-place. And they said one to another, Come, let us make bricks, burning them well. And they had bricks for stone, putting them together with sticky earth. And they said, Come, let us make a town, and a tower whose top will go up as high as heaven; and let us make a great name for ourselves, so that we may not be wanderers over the face of the earth. And the Lord came down to see the town and the tower which the children of men were building. And the Lord said, See, they are all one people and have all one language; and this is only the start of what they may do: and now it will not be possible to keep them from any purpose of theirs. Come, let us go down and take away the sense of their language, so that they will not be able to make themselves clear to one another. So the Lord God sent them away into every part of the earth: and they gave up building their town. So it was named Babel, because there the Lord took away the sense of all languages and from there the Lord sent them away over all the face of the earth.
2017-04-28 20:52 New translation of "On Tradition" into Ganur Lon by marvelousbecca
Lusojm me up ke'badostanznir felont pogonto ve'nafnir lonetajr.
lus-ojmway-protomeTOPupbeke=b-a[dost.anz]n-irwhen=3PL.NTOP.SBJ-CAUS[holy.opposite]-3PL.NTOP.OBJfel-ontold.age-personpog-ont-oyouth-person-DEF.ACCve=n-af-n-irin.order=INF-be.pleased-CAUS-3PL.NTOP.OBJlon-et-ajrhuman-similar-dieTradition is the old corrupting the young to please the dead.
2017-04-28 20:32 New translation of "On Tradition" into Esperanto by marvelousbecca
Tradicio estas la maljunuloj koruptantaj la junulojn por plaĉi al la mortintoj.
Tradition is the old corrupting the young to please the dead.
2017-04-28 20:25 New translation of "Yellow Brick Road" into Ido by marvelousbecca
Pardonez a me, ube esas la voyo pavizita per flava briki?
Excuse me, where's the Yellow Brick Road?
2017-04-28 20:14 New translation of "Yellow Brick Road" into Khan Khaftim by marvelousbecca
Likhetas, kjen me frett pekjupnau lil-latim makhjittau?
li-khet-asINS-stomach-2SG.POS,,kjenwheremebefrettroadpekjupn-aubeing.made-ADJlil=lat-imINS=brick-PLmakh-jitt-augold-color.similar-ADJ??Excuse me, where's the Yellow Brick Road?
2017-04-28 19:57 New translation of "Yellow Brick Road" into Ganur Lon by marvelousbecca
Ze'nalpeme; vett pekjupnau li'lat magitetau me kjen up?
Ze=n-alpem-eIMP=INF-forgive-1SG.OBJ;;vettroadpek-j-up-n-auabstraction-INDEF.SBJ-be-CAUS-ADJli=latINS=brickmag-it-et-augold-color-similar-ADJmeTOPkjenwhereupbe??Excuse me, where's the Yellow Brick Road?
2017-04-27 09:07 Changed language: Diplomatic Shessith
- Diplomatic Shessith by WhimsicalXellos was updated.
2017-04-27 08:57 Changed language: Faljuurodh
- Faljuurodh by WhimsicalXellos was updated.
2017-04-27 08:51 Changed language: Urracheg
- Urracheg by WhimsicalXellos was updated.
2017-04-27 08:38 Changed language: Jerreneth
- Jerreneth by WhimsicalXellos was updated.
2017-04-27 04:04 New translation of "I can eat glass" into Ido by marvelousbecca
Me povas manjar vitro; lo ne domajas me.
mePRO.1SGpov-ascan-PRSNTmanj-areat-INFvitr-oglass-N;;loPRO.previous.sentenceneNEGdomaj-ashurt-PRSNTmePRO.1SGI can eat glass, it does not hurt me.
2017-04-26 22:01 New translation of "Berlitzism" into Selade by pecan
Pensilu ike a? Ikene, tsuma ike.
pensilupencilikeCOPaQike=neCOP=NEGtsumawindowike.COPIs it a pencil? No, it is a window.
2017-04-26 21:58 Changed language: Jerreneth
- Jerreneth by WhimsicalXellos was updated.
2017-04-26 21:58 Changed language: Draconic
- Draconic by WhimsicalXellos was updated.
2017-04-26 21:50 Changed language: Selade
- Selade by Peter Cannici was updated.
2017-04-26 21:46 Changed language: Jerreneth
- Jerreneth by WhimsicalXellos was updated.
2017-04-26 20:40 Changed language: Selade
- Selade by Peter Cannici was updated.
2017-04-26 20:26 New language: Selade
pecan added Selade to CALS.
2017-04-26 19:44 Changed language: Jerreneth
- Jerreneth by WhimsicalXellos was updated.
2017-04-25 22:04 Changed language: Faljuurodh
- Faljuurodh by WhimsicalXellos was updated.
2017-04-25 22:03 Changed language: Diplomatic Shessith
- Diplomatic Shessith by WhimsicalXellos was updated.
2017-04-25 21:50 Changed language: Urracheg
- Urracheg by WhimsicalXellos was updated.
2017-04-25 19:43 Changed language: Jerreneth
- Jerreneth by WhimsicalXellos was updated.
2017-04-24 06:15 New language: Faljuurodh
WhimsicalXellos added Faljuurodh to CALS.
2017-04-24 06:12 New language: Diplomatic Shessith
WhimsicalXellos added Diplomatic Shessith to CALS.
2017-04-24 06:07 Changed language: Jerreneth
- Jerreneth by WhimsicalXellos was updated.
2017-04-24 06:06 New language: Urracheg
WhimsicalXellos added Urracheg to CALS.
2017-04-24 06:05 New language: Jerreneth
WhimsicalXellos added Jerreneth to CALS.
2017-04-23 08:04 New translation of "On knowing and not knowing" into Gadu Fav by marvelousbecca
Jõ qã-twup nekt ar twup nekt vã-twup nekt, up ec rõdũnt. Bĩ-natongu. Jõ qã-twup nekt ar ekt vã-twup nekt, up ec nittsĩd. Bĩ-narzu. Jõ qãd-ekt ar twup nekt vãd-ekt, ajm ec. Bĩ-nertocu. Jõ qãd-ekt ar ekt vãd-ekt, up ec pekjarznau. Bĩ-nekẽntu.
He who knows not and knows not he knows not He is a fool. Shun him. He who knows not and knows he knows not He is a student. Teach him. He who knows and knows not he knows He is asleep. Wake him. He who knows and knows he knows He is wise. Follow him.
2017-04-23 02:43 New translation of "On knowing and not knowing" into Ganur Lon by marvelousbecca
Ec me'twekt a me'twektu va'twekt me up lonunt. Zen'olk hono. Ec me'twekt a men'ektu va'twekt me up lonalz. Zen'alzno. Ec men'ekt a me'twektu van'ekt me ajm. Zen'ungno. Ec men'ekt a men'ektu van'ekt me up pekjalznau. Zen'anc lino.
He who knows not and knows not he knows not He is a fool. Shun him. He who knows not and knows he knows not He is a student. Teach him. He who knows and knows not he knows He is asleep. Wake him. He who knows and knows he knows He is wise. Follow him.
2017-04-22 10:24 TormisNarno_JPN just joined
TormisNarno_JPN, who joined on April 22, 2017, 10:24 a.m., is now Doing Stuff!
2017-04-22 10:21 Big refactor coming up
CALS launched in the summer of 2008. That means there is now soon 9 years of crufty code that is in need of a cleanup! Especially the user/profile system has been a nuisance; it was the only way possible back then, but now there are better ways.
In order to simplify the process, the relay museum, which was hosted in the same database as CALS, has been moved into its own database. That means that the automated process that awards badges for relays won't be running for a while. It also means the relay museum is working independently from CALS and won't be affected at all.
Once the user/profile system is modernized, there are big plans coming up: for instance using your CALS user to log in elsewhere the same way you can use a twitter user today! That's what the relay museum will be doing, going forward.
2017-04-21 15:20 Changed language: Hanolen
- Hanolen by Friederich Kugelschreiber was updated.
2017-04-21 06:26 Changed language: Lortho
- Lortho by Brian Bourque was updated.
2017-04-20 17:01 New translation of "Cogito ergo sum" into Firen by killerbee13
gůskommasi, hůs gůtasi
I think, therefore I am
2017-04-20 15:42 Changed language: Kachan
- Kachan by nonniemas was updated.
2017-04-20 12:52 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 2" into Kachan by nonniemas
2017-04-20 12:46 Changed language: Kachan
- Kachan by nonniemas was updated.
2017-04-20 09:38 Changed language: Senjecas
- Senjecas by Charles W. Brickner was updated.
2017-04-20 07:22 Changed language: Kachan
- Kachan by nonniemas was updated.
2017-04-20 06:05 Changed language: Firen
- Firen by killerbee13 was updated.
2017-04-20 05:39 Changed language: Ilawokou
- Ilawokou by Simon Nordman was updated.
2017-04-20 05:37 Changed language: Firen
- Firen by killerbee13 was updated.
2017-04-20 05:23 New language: Ilawokou
GohtCheese added Ilawokou to CALS.
2017-04-20 03:56 Changed language: Kachan
- Kachan by nonniemas was updated.
2017-04-20 03:51 New language: Kachan
nonniemas added Kachan to CALS.
2017-04-20 03:43 New language: Firen
killerbee13 added Firen to CALS.
2017-04-20 03:12 nonniemas just joined
nonniemas, who joined on April 20, 2017, 3:12 a.m., is now Doing Stuff!
2017-04-20 03:07 killerbee13 just joined
killerbee13, who joined on April 20, 2017, 3:07 a.m., is now Doing Stuff!
2017-04-20 02:55 New translation of "1HGT: negative #3" into Lortho by tixmeeoff
dhamadhidin kantume shanimela.
NEG-give-1SG.MASC apple-ACC John(shan)-DAT
I don't give John the apple.
2017-04-20 01:57 Changed language: Lortho
- Lortho by Brian Bourque was updated.
2017-04-20 01:49 New language: Lortho
tixmeeoff added Lortho to CALS.
2017-04-19 17:26 tixmeeoff just joined
tixmeeoff, who joined on April 19, 2017, 5:26 p.m., is now Doing Stuff!
2017-04-19 13:40 New translation of "Olivia" into Common Honey by mr-martian
con Olivia om
2017-04-19 13:40 New translation of "Oliver" into Common Honey by mr-martian
con Oliver om
2017-04-19 13:39 New translation of "Mia" into Common Honey by mr-martian
con Mia om
2017-04-19 13:39 New translation of "Mary " into Common Honey by mr-martian
con Mary om
2017-04-19 13:39 New translation of "Leon" into Common Honey by mr-martian
con Leon om
2017-04-19 13:38 New translation of "James" into Common Honey by mr-martian
con James om
2017-04-19 13:38 New translation of "Jacob" into Common Honey by mr-martian
con Jacob om
2017-04-19 13:37 New translation of "Emma" into Common Honey by mr-martian
con Emma om
2017-04-19 13:22 Changed language: Common Honey
- Common Honey by The Common Honey Tribe was updated.
2017-04-19 13:02 New language: Common Honey
mr-martian added Common Honey to CALS.
do xanömfê dê. Sajem Tan (And that's how you greet someone in Common Honey.)
2017-04-19 12:56 mr-martian just joined
mr-martian, who joined on April 19, 2017, 12:56 p.m., is now Doing Stuff!
2017-04-19 01:55 pecan just joined
pecan, who joined on April 19, 2017, 1:55 a.m., is now Doing Stuff!
2017-04-18 16:41 New language: Carrajina
AWalkerScott added Carrajina to CALS.
¡Avi! Carrajina (And that's how you greet someone in Carrajina.)
2017-04-17 20:40 New language: Qttx
AWalkerScott added Qttx to CALS.
2017-04-17 20:31 Changed language: Gravgaln
- Gravgaln by A Walker Scott was updated.
2017-04-16 06:21 New translation of "Colorless green ideas" into Gadu Fav by marvelousbecca
Rajm rĩ-cã bikojm fĩditau rĩ-woj it.
r-ajm3PL.TOP.SBJ-sleeprĩ=cãINS=furybik-ojmform-protofĩd-it-augrass-color-ADJrĩ=wojINS=zeroitcolorColorless green ideas sleep furiously.
2017-04-16 06:13 New translation of "Colorless green dreams" into Gadu Fav by marvelousbecca
Rajm rĩ-cã pop fĩditau rĩ-woj it.
Colorless green dreams sleep furiously.
2017-04-16 06:00 Changed language: Talbas
- Talbas by chridd was updated.
2017-04-16 01:36 New language: Talbas
chridd added Talbas to CALS.
2017-04-15 14:32 New translation of "Fight linguistic extinction!" into Toki Pona by marvelousbecca
o utala e moli toki! o pali e toki!
Fight linguistic extinction. Invent a language!
2017-04-15 14:30 New translation of "Fight linguistic extinction!" into Ido by marvelousbecca
Kombatez lingual extingo. Inventez linguo!
Fight linguistic extinction. Invent a language!
2017-04-15 14:27 New translation of "Fight linguistic extinction!" into Interlingua by marvelousbecca
Combatte le extinction linguistic. Inventa un lingua!
Fight linguistic extinction. Invent a language!
2017-04-15 14:24 New translation of "Fight linguistic extinction!" into Esperanto by marvelousbecca
Batalu kontraŭ lingva formortado. Inventu lingvon!
batal-ufight-V.IMPkontraŭagainstlingv-alanguage-ADJfor-mort-ad-oaway-die-GER-N..invent-uinvent-V.IMPlingv-o-nlanguage-N-ACCFight linguistic extinction. Invent a language!
2017-04-15 11:32 New translation of "Cogito ergo sum" into Tasza by marvelousbecca
Gazoszó, tajas kasz zírnéjim se.
gazo-szóthink-1SG.PRFV.ABS,,tajasthereforekaszPRO.1SG.ABSzírné-jimworld-ADVsePOST.INESI think, therefore I am
2017-04-15 11:13 New translation of "Cogito ergo sum" into Etelegbe by marvelousbecca
Inó péko ngi otékpim ef inó pegbó en.
inóPRO.1SGpéko-0-0think-SG-PRFVngispoken.commaotékpi-mREL.INAN.N-ADVefPOST.because.ofinóPRO.1SGpegbó-0-0exist-SG-PRFVen.DECL.I think, therefore I am
2017-04-15 10:58 New translation of "Cogito ergo sum" into Ladochei T'oleithe by marvelousbecca
Daðat çohtokatyi.
dað-atthink-1SG.AN1çohtok-at-yiexist-1ST.AN1-thereforeI think, therefore I am
2017-04-15 10:48 New translation of "Cogito ergo sum" into Gadu Fav by marvelousbecca
Kers, vjẽ-mẽ kax.
k-ers1SG.SBJ-thinkvjẽ=mẽbecause.of=whichk-ax1SG.SBJ-existI think, therefore I am
2017-04-15 00:49 Changed language: Thulean
- Thulean by Rhebeqah was updated.
2017-04-14 22:00 New translation of "Wanting to give money" into Hebrew (Modern) by marvelousbecca
?למה רצית לנתון לגבר כסף בעיר אתמול
Why did you want to give the man money in the city yesterday?
2017-04-14 20:01 New translation of "Wanting to give money" into Khan Khaftim by marvelousbecca
Li-jen sasp nentu tjam-munt khikk lek-koff lik-kapent?
li-jenINS-whats-asp2SG.SBJ-wantn-ent-uINF-give-3SG.OBJtjam=muntDAT=mankhikkmoneylek=koffINES=citylik=kapentINS=yesterdayWhy did you want to give the man money in the city yesterday?
2017-04-14 19:44 New translation of "Wanting to give money" into Gadu Fav by marvelousbecca
Keskr qã-sĩ cãde vjẽ saspute nãcu cã-mũdet gig rẽ-kov kapẽntau?
k-esk-r1SG-love-DIMqã=s-ĩIF=2SG.SBJ-saycãd-eDAT-1SGvjẽwhys-asp-u-te2SG.SBJ-want-3SG.NTOP.OBJ-RECn-ãc-uINF-give-3SG.NTOP.OBJcã=mũd-etDAT=father-more.generalgigmoneyrẽ=kovINES=citykapẽntauyesterdayWhy did you want to give the man money in the city yesterday?
2017-04-14 19:23 New translation of "Wanting to give money" into Ganur Lon by marvelousbecca
Munet men'upte li'kad pentau le'kov me va'jen saspu nentu cano gig?
mun-etfather-more.generalmen=up-teREL=be-RECli=kadINS=sunpent-authe.most.recent-ADJle=kovINES=citymeTOPva'jenwhys-asp-u2SG.SBJ-want-3SG.NTOP.OBJn-ent-uINF-give-3SG.NTOP.OBJcan-oDAT-3SG.TOPgigmoney??Why did you want to give the man money in the city yesterday?
2017-04-14 19:09 New translation of "Wanting to give money" into Interlingua by marvelousbecca
Proque tu voleva dar al viro pecunia in le citate heri?
pro-quefor-whattuyouvole-vawant-PSTda-rgive-INFa-lDAT-DEFviromanpecuniamoneyinINESleDEFcitatecityheriyesterdayWhy did you want to give the man money in the city yesterday?
2017-04-14 00:29 Changed language: Thulean
- Thulean by Rhebeqah was updated.
2017-04-13 16:12 franciscocpandrade just joined
franciscocpandrade, who joined on April 13, 2017, 4:12 p.m., is now Doing Stuff!
2017-04-11 16:06 Changed language: Proto-Dahu-Kemba
- Proto-Dahu-Kemba by David Johnson was updated.
2017-04-11 15:46 New language: Proto-Dahu-Kemba
David_Johnson added Proto-Dahu-Kemba to CALS.
2017-04-11 02:34 Changed language: Lagu
- Lagu by Maus_Rawr was updated.
2017-04-11 02:29 Changed language: Lagi
- Lagi by Maus_Rawr was updated.
2017-04-10 23:13 New language: Lagi
Maus_Rawr added Lagi to CALS.
2017-04-10 21:15 Changed language: amman iar
- amman iar by David Bell was updated.
2017-04-07 23:12 Changed language: Iridian
- Iridian by A Walker Scott was updated.
2017-04-07 22:30 New language: Iridian
AWalkerScott added Iridian to CALS.
2017-04-07 22:27 New language: Lrahran
AWalkerScott added Lrahran to CALS.
2017-04-07 22:05 New language: Tvern El
AWalkerScott added Tvern El to CALS.
2017-04-07 21:46 Changed language: Gravgaln
- Gravgaln by A Walker Scott was updated.
2017-04-07 21:20 New language: Gravgaln
AWalkerScott added Gravgaln to CALS.
2017-04-07 21:09 AWalkerScott just joined
AWalkerScott, who joined on April 7, 2017, 9:09 p.m., is now Doing Stuff!
2017-04-02 08:37 New translation of "From the Egyptian Book of the Dead" into Ido by marvelousbecca
Me esas hiere, hodie, e morge, e me havas la povo naskar ye duesma foyo. Me esas la deala celita anmo qua kreis la Dei e donas sarkofagala repasti al habitanti dil abismo, la loko dil mortinti, e la cielo. Saluto, sinioro dil reliquiuyo qua stacas en la centro dil Tero. Il esas me e me esas il!
I am yesterday, today and tomorrow, and I have the power to be born a second time. I am the divine hidden soul who created the Gods and gives sepulchral meals to the denizens of the deep, the place of the dead, and heaven... Hail, lord of the shrine that stands in the centre of the earth. He is I and I am he!
2017-04-02 08:21 New translation of "From the Egyptian Book of the Dead" into Interlingua by marvelousbecca
Io es heri, hodie e deman, et io ha le capacitate de nascer altere vice. Io es le divin anima latente qui creava le Deos e da repastos sepulchral al habitantes del profundo, le loco del mortes, e le celo... Ave, Senior del Reliquario que sta in le centro del terra. Ille es io et io es ille!
I am yesterday, today and tomorrow, and I have the power to be born a second time. I am the divine hidden soul who created the Gods and gives sepulchral meals to the denizens of the deep, the place of the dead, and heaven... Hail, lord of the shrine that stands in the centre of the earth. He is I and I am he!