« July August September »
2010-08-30 05:39 Changed language: Shuran
- Shuran by Hiztegi was updated.
2010-08-29 23:59 New language: Shuran
Hiztegi added Shuran to CALS.
2010-08-29 23:51 Hiztegi just joined
Welcome Hiztegi!
2010-08-28 01:15 Jacklyn21MUNOZ just joined
Welcome Jacklyn21MUNOZ!
2010-08-26 22:25 lorddraqo-2010-08-26-222530774 just joined
Welcome lorddraqo-2010-08-26-222530774!
2010-08-25 09:15 New translation of "Fiat Lingua!" into Taruven by kaleissin
va-IMP-uvenlanguage-gh-makefiat lingua!
2010-08-25 08:42 New translation exercise: Fiat Lingua!
Translate the LCS motto Fiat Lingua!
2010-08-23 08:02 lucky just joined
Welcome lucky!
2010-08-22 22:46 New translation of "Travelphrases 1" into Taiwazaiho by Ave94
zaa naa ka mataheem sa tai.
zaazaawherenaanaa1SGkakatowardsmataheemmataheembedroomsasabetai.taiINTWhere is my room?
2010-08-22 22:43 New translation of "Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights" into Taiwazaiho by Ave94
'aha taiwa wiis he kulihi menatoku he tehahta kilum tewii'a. sii kihhu he seho kat he kemma sii ka hutihnga yuu teleyih yem sewa ki'a.
'aha'ahaalltaiwataiwahumanwiiswiisfreeheheandkulihikulihiequalmenatokumenatokudignityheheandtehahtatehahtarightkilumkilumconcerningtewii'a.tewii'abe.bornsiisii3PLkihhukihhureasonheheandsehosehoconsciencekatkatrecieveheheandkemmakemmaothersiisii3SGkakatowardshutihngahutihngabrotherhoodyuuyuuofteleyihteleyihspirityemyemINSsewasewadoki'a.ki'ashouldAll human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
2010-08-22 22:24 New translation of "I can eat glass" into Taiwazaiho by Ave94
hilees ngom naa he'o; naa la yem kong luko.
hileeshileesglassngomngomeatnaanaa1SGhe'o;he'ocannaanaa1SGlala3SGyemyemINSkongkongNEGluko.lukosufferI can eat glass, it does not hurt me.
2010-08-22 22:16 New translation of "Farewell" into Taiwazaiho by Ave94
hazem, $
bye $
2010-08-22 22:10 New translation of "Pity" into Taiwazaiho by Ave94
la ka hiyeta ko, tliingsa hasa za 'ang 'aung sa menna.
lala3SGkakatowardshiyetahiyetapityko,koIMPtliingsatliingsalanguagehasahasacreatezazaonly'ang'angone'aung'aunghowsasabemenna.mennathinkLet him be pitied, who thinks there is only one way to make a language.
2010-08-22 19:23 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 8" into Taiwazaiho by Ave94
meem tekela ko.
meemmee-m1PL-ACTIVEtekelate-kelaINCHOATIVE-moveko.koIMPLet's get moving.
2010-08-22 19:20 New translation of "Travelphrases 4" into Taiwazaiho by Ave94
naa ka koo zaa ka kong kainya ko!
naanaa1SGkakatowardskookoothatzaazaawherekakatowardskongkongNEGkainyakainyatouchko!koIMPDon't touch me there!
2010-08-22 19:20 SharpeKelli24 just joined
Welcome SharpeKelli24!
2010-08-22 19:15 New translation of "Fight linguistic extinction!" into Taiwazaiho by Ave94
tliingsa yuu tlowii'ayo sata'a ko. tliingsa hasa ko!
tliingsatliingsalanguageyuuyuuoftlowii'ayotlowii'ayodeathsata'asata'aopposeko.koIMPtliingsatliingsalanguagehasahasacreateko!koIMPFight linguistic extinction. Invent a language!
2010-08-22 19:09 New translation of "Colorless green ideas" into Taiwazaiho by Ave94
wainhewum kehanim hetainim kangwai ka lhee.
wainhewumwainhewu-mcolorless-ACTIVEkehanimkehan-imgreen-ACTIVEhetainimhetain-imidea-ACTIVEkangwaikangwaifuriouskakatowardslhee.lheesleepColorless green ideas sleep furiously.
2010-08-22 19:07 New translation of "From the Egyptian Book of the Dead" into Taiwazaiho by Ave94
naa 'ute, yamsi, he tleng'o sa, he naa yuu 'ehi wes tewii'a saaka sa. naa seeyuho, somwiinza, 'im seeyu hasa yatlii sa he 'im tlowii'anisheemho melhee muungha yuu, tlowii'anis yuu zaa yuu, he ziimen yuu meskanis ka wi'un... 'i teyaah yuu zemu lho taha lhinyau yuu kaanzi ka melu. la naa sa kii he naa la sa kii!
naanaa1SG'ute,'uteyesterdayyamsi,yamsitodayheheandtleng'otleng'otomorrowsa,sabeheheandnaanaa1SGyuuyuuof'ehi'e-hitwo-ORDINALwesweswhentewii'atewii'abe.bornsaakasaakapowersa.sabenaanaa1SGseeyuho,seeyuhodivinesomwiinza,somwiinzabe.invisible'im'i-mwho-ACTIVEseeyuseeyudeityhasahasacreateyatliiyatliisoulsasabeheheand'im'i-mwho-ACTIVEtlowii'anisheemhotlowii'anisheemhosepulchralmelheemelheemealmuunghamuunghadeepyuu,yuuoftlowii'anistlowiia'nisdead.personyuuyuuofzaazaawhereyuu,yuuofheheandziimenziimenheavenyuuyuuofmeskanismeskanisdenizenkakatowardswi'un...wi'ungive'i'iwhichteyaahteyaahworldyuuyuuofzemuzemucenterlholhoattahatahastandlhinyaulhinyaushrineyuuyuuofkaanzikaanzikingkakatowardsmelu.meluhealthlala3SGnaanaa1SGsasabekiikiiENERheheandnaanaa1SGlala3SGsasabekii!kiiENERI am yesterday, today and tomorrow, and I have the power to be born a second time. I am the divine hidden soul who created the Gods and gives sepulchral meals to the denizens of the deep, the place of the dead, and heaven... Hail, lord of the shrine that stands in the centre of the earth. He is I and I am he!
2010-08-22 17:47 New translation of "Bottle-washing" into Taiwazaiho by Ave94
lam woluuh sengkes ka waalhangteh yem kong waalha ko.
lamla-m3SG-ACTIVEwoluuhwoluuhbottlesengkessengesplatekakatowardswaalhangtehwaalh-angtehwash-instrumentyemyemINSkongkongNEGwaalhawaalhawash.PRESko.koIMPDon't wash the bottle in the dishwasher
2010-08-22 17:17 New language: Yelehtliy
Ave94 added Yelehtliy to CALS.
2010-08-22 16:21 Changed language: Taiwazaiho
- Taiwazaiho by Ave94 was updated.
2010-08-21 19:05 Changed language: Nipmel
- Nipmel by Kenneth Nyman was updated.
2010-08-14 17:52 Changed language: Watteeteroxo
- Watteeteroxo by Kenneth Nyman was updated.
2010-08-12 18:24 Changed language: Lemohai
- Lemohai by David Johnson was updated.
2010-08-11 03:06 HarrisTerrie20 just joined
Welcome HarrisTerrie20!
2010-08-08 23:43 braddfulll just joined
Welcome braddfulll!
2010-08-06 14:32 Major power outage
At about 12:50 CET/10:50 UTC today, half the city went off the power grid. Unfortunately, the CALS-server (and your humble admin) was in the wrong half. Power was back again at around 13:50 CET/11:50 UTC and so far there seems to be no damage to any equipment. If you attempted to make any changes just before this happened they were not saved, as there were large power spikes just before lights out.
2010-08-06 10:43 New language: Gobish
markus031098 added Gobish to CALS.
(And that's how you greet someone in Gobish.)
2010-08-06 10:33 markus031098 just joined
Welcome markus031098!
2010-08-05 22:11 Changed language: Wered
- Wered by Kenneth Nyman was updated.
2010-08-05 18:25 Changed language: Lemohai
- Lemohai by David Johnson was updated.
2010-08-05 10:59 Changed language: Nipmel
- Nipmel by Kenneth Nyman was updated.
2010-08-03 18:13 Changed language: Lemohai
- Lemohai by David Johnson was updated.
2010-08-03 13:08 Changed language: Watteeteroxo
- Watteeteroxo by Kenneth Nyman was updated.
2010-08-03 12:52 Changed language: Nipmel
- Nipmel by Kenneth Nyman was updated.
2010-08-02 18:05 Changed language: Lemohai
- Lemohai by David Johnson was updated.