
« June July August »

2010-07-31 13:31 Changed language: Nipmel

Nipmel by Kenneth Nyman was updated.

2010-07-31 03:46 Changed language: Toilan

Toilan by Jeffrey S. Jones was updated.

2010-07-29 23:10 Now

The switch has been flipped, and in about four hours everyone should be moved over to the new server.

2010-07-28 20:14 Soon...

The database has now been moved to its new, permanent home, in preparation for moving the entire shebang. There was a last minute annoyance as it turns out that the new server and the old server both prefer to speak New Internet Addressing™, so it was necessary to add space for a TARDIS.

2010-07-27 20:13 Changed language: Lemohai

Lemohai by David Johnson was updated.

2010-07-25 16:04 Does your conlang have a homepage?

If your conlang does have a page or ten with more details, for instance on FrathWiki, then do not hesitate to set the "homepage"-field here to the url of that place. It is so much quicker to follow a single well-chosen link than to search and have to wade through outdated or irrelevant ones.

2010-07-25 08:57 Changed language: Watteeteroxo

Watteeteroxo by Kenneth Nyman was updated.

2010-07-24 18:29 Changed language: Lemohai

Lemohai by David Johnson was updated.

2010-07-24 13:20 Changed language: Cenyani

Cenyani by Adam Heurlin, aka Arimah was updated.

2010-07-24 13:06 New translation of "Yesterday's boys" into Cenyani by Arimah

Carl ó Dšéc a onáldini, xoci ašet ä casaye.

Carl  ó    Dšéc  a    onáldi-ni,      xo-ci       aš-et     ä  casaye
Karl  and  Jake  are  boy-DEF.NOM.SG  who-ACC.PL  see-PAST  I  yesterday

The boys whom I saw yesterday were Karl and Jake

2010-07-24 12:56 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 6" into Cenyani by Arimah



2010-07-24 12:55 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 7" into Cenyani by Arimah

Acróxi tuy(i).

acróx-i    tuy(i)
come-PRES  we(all)
'We're coming'

On our way.

2010-07-24 12:45 Changed language: Cenyani

Cenyani by Adam Heurlin, aka Arimah was updated.

2010-07-24 11:07 New language: Cenyani

arimah added Cenyani to CALS.

Cenyani's homepage is at http://arimah.beoch.net/cenyani/.

2010-07-24 10:44 arimah just joined

Welcome arimah!

2010-07-21 21:40 Changed language: Watteeteroxo

Watteeteroxo by Kenneth Nyman was updated.

2010-07-21 03:30 New translation of "Fight linguistic extinction!" into Denaden by Fa Jusifuz

Adwerse extienxaem linguistitsen. Skauw une lingie!

Adwerse                       extienxaem          linguistitsen. 
to-resist.2nd.act.imp.pres.s  extinction.dat.s.f  linguistic.dat.s.f
You-fight-back-against        the-extinction      linguistic.

Skauw                         une    lingie!
to-create.2nd.act.imp.pres.s  one.f  the-language.acc.s.f
You-create                    a      language!

Fight linguistic extinction. Invent a language!

2010-07-21 03:28 New translation of "Travelphrases 1" into Denaden by Fa Jusifuz

Kjup west me pentzceilles?

Kjup       west                      pentzceilles            me?
Where.nom  to-be.3rd.act.ind.pres.s  the-hotel-room.nom.s.f  1st.gen.s
Where      it-is                     the-hotel-room          my?

Kjup       west                      me         pentzceilles?
Where.nom  to-be.3rd.act.ind.pres.s  1st.gen.s  the-hotel-room.nom.s.f
Where      it-is                     my         the-hotel-room?

Where is my room?

2010-07-21 03:26 New translation of "Travelphrases 2" into Denaden by Fa Jusifuz

Kjup west lüduz?

Kjup       west                      lüduz?
Where.nom  to-be.3rd.act.ind.pres.s  the-beach.nom.s.m
Where      it-is                     the-beach?

Where is the beach?

2010-07-21 03:23 New translation of "Travelphrases 3" into Denaden by Fa Jusifuz

Kjup west winceilles?

Kjup       west                      winceilles?
Where.nom  to-be.3rd.act.ind.pres.s  the-wine-room.nom.s.f
Where      it-is                     the-bar?

Where is the bar?

2010-07-21 03:21 New translation of "Travelphrases 4" into Denaden by Fa Jusifuz

Non kontaekte ilara mic!

Non  kontaekte                    ilara  mic!
No   to-touch.2nd.act.imp.pres.s  there  1st.acc.s
No   you-touch                    there  to-me!

Don't touch me there!

2010-07-21 03:20 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 9" into Denaden by Fa Jusifuz

Allei wiestunt har adga enuminestus.

Allei        wiestunt                  har   adga  enuminestus.
all.nom.p.n  to-be.3rd.act.ind.pres.p  here  AND   to-count-up.part.pass.past
all-people   they-are                  here -and-   been-counted
Roughly: "Everybody is here and has been counted."

All present and accounted for.

2010-07-21 03:11 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 0" into Denaden by Fa Jusifuz


Lit. "We are reporting in."

Reporting for duty.

2010-07-21 00:55 Changed language: Toilan

Toilan by Jeffrey S. Jones was updated.

2010-07-21 00:18 New language: Toilan

qiihoskeh added Toilan to CALS.

2010-07-20 11:01 There's a new badge to be earned...

There are timetravellers among us. Re-login to this site to see if you are one of them.

2010-07-20 09:31 Changed language: Lemohai

Lemohai by David Johnson was updated.

2010-07-20 09:30 Changed language: Lemohai

Lemohai by David Johnson was updated.

2010-07-20 09:29 Changed language: Lemohai

Lemohai by David Johnson was updated.

2010-07-20 09:28 Changed language: Lemohai

Lemohai by David Johnson was updated.

2010-07-20 09:24 Changed language: Lemohai

Lemohai by David Johnson was updated.

2010-07-20 09:22 Changed language: Lemohai

Lemohai by David Johnson was updated.

2010-07-20 09:21 Changed language: Lemohai

Lemohai by David Johnson was updated.

2010-07-20 09:20 Changed language: Lemohai

Lemohai by David Johnson was updated.

2010-07-20 09:17 Changed language: Lemohai

Lemohai by David Johnson was updated.

2010-07-20 09:14 Changed language: Lemohai

Lemohai by David Johnson was updated.

2010-07-20 09:14 New language: Lemohai

David Johnson added Lemohai to CALS.

(And that's how you greet someone in Lemohai.)

2010-07-20 04:06 New translation of "Genesis 11:1" into Denaden by Fa Jusifuz

1. Wendempu, une lingie aet una flabuitum teilaja alzeis denadozum habuirud.

Wendempu,            une      lingie             adga       una        
As-the-time.gen.s.m  one.s.f  language.n.acc.s.f -and-      one.s.n
As-of-the-time,      a        language           AND        a

flabuitum             teilaja             alzeis            denadozum
speak.ger.acc.s.neut  shared.adj.acc.p.n  all.adj.nom.p.m   the-people.n.nom.p.m
speaking              common              all               of-the-peoples


1. And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech.

2010-07-20 03:08 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 8" into Denaden by Fa Jusifuz

Kjitas kupiubas?

Kjitas    kupiubas?
What.acc  to-want.2nd.act.ind.pres.s
What      you-want?
Lit. "What do you want?"

What do you need?

2010-07-20 03:07 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 7" into Denaden by Fa Jusifuz

Kjitas mandabar?

Kjitas    mandabar?
what.acc  to-order.1st.pass.ind.presprog.s
To-what   I-am-being-ordered?

Lit. "What am I being ordered (to do)?"

Your orders?

2010-07-20 03:06 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 6" into Denaden by Fa Jusifuz




2010-07-20 03:06 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 5" into Denaden by Fa Jusifuz

Kjit west intentje?

Kjit      west                      intentje?
what.nom  to-be.3rd.act.ind.pres.s  the-plan.nom.s.f
What      it-is                     the-plan?

Kjit      intentje          west?
what.nom  the-plan.nom.s.f  to-be.3rd.act.ind.pres.s
What      the-plan          it-is?

What's the plan?

2010-07-20 03:05 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 4" into Denaden by Fa Jusifuz

Aleβor wiemas daoreto.

Aleβor         wiemas                    daoreto.
ready.nom.p.m  to-be.1st.act.ind.pres.p  to-do.ger.dat
Ready          we-are                    for-doing

Wiemas                    aleβor         daoreto
to-be.1st.act.ind.pres.p  ready.nom.p.m  to-do.ger.dat
We-are                    ready          for-doing

Daoreto        wiemas                    aleβor
to-do.ger.dat  to-be.1st.act.ind.pres.p  ready.nom.p.m
For-doing      we-are                    ready

Daoreto        aleβor         wiemas
to-do.ger.dat  ready.nom.p.m  to-be.1st.act.ind.pres.p
For-doing      ready          we-are

Lit. "We are ready for doing (anything)."

Ready for action.

2010-07-20 03:04 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 3" into Denaden by Fa Jusifuz

Te mandatams espektepom.

Espektepom                        te         mandatams.
to-expect.1st.act.ind.presprog.s  2nd.gen.s  the-command.dat.p.n
I-am-expecting                    your       for-commands

Espektepom                        mandatams            te.
to-expect.1st.act.ind.presprog.s  the-command.dat.p.n  2nd.gen.s
I-am-expecting                    for-commands         your

Te         mandatams            espektepom.
2nd.gen.s  the-command.dat.p.n  to-expect.1st.act.ind.presprog.s
Your       for-commands         I-am-expecting

Mandatams            te         espektepom.
the-command.dat.p.n  2nd.gen.s  to-expect.1st.act.ind.presprog.s
For-commands         your       I-am-expecting.
Lit. "I am waiting for your commands."

Awaiting your orders.

2010-07-20 03:03 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 2" into Denaden by Fa Jusifuz

Mandei mic.

Mandei                         mic.
to-command.2nd.act.imp.pres.s  1st.acc.s
You-command                    me
Lit. "Command me."

Tell me what to do.

2010-07-20 03:02 New translation of "CIV IV: Select 1" into Denaden by Fa Jusifuz

Đuc staukiu.

Staukiu                      þuc.
to-serve.1st.act.ind.pres.s  2nd.acc.s
I-serve-as-a-servant         to-you

Đuc        staukiu.
2nd.acc.s  to-serve.1st.act.ind.pres.s
to-you     I-serve-as-a-servant   
Lit. "I serve you as your servant."

At your service.

2010-07-20 03:01 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 9" into Denaden by Fa Jusifuz

Wiemas gacheituiz.

Wiemas                    gacheituiz.
to-be.1st.act.ind.pres.p  trustworthy.nom.p.m
We-are                    dependable.

You can count on us.

2010-07-20 03:00 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 8" into Denaden by Fa Jusifuz

Nos gandoþa.

Nos              gandoþa.
1st.nom.p.       to-go.2nd.act.imp.fut.p
We               you-are-to-be-going  
Lit. "Us, you are to be going."

Let's get moving.

2010-07-20 03:00 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 7" into Denaden by Fa Jusifuz

Aeremus giedumda.

Aeremus                      giedumda.
to-be.1st.act.ind.futprog.p  to-go.pass.ind.futprog
We-will-be-being             be-moved

Giedumda                aeremus.
to-go.pass.ind.futprog  to-be.1st.act.ind.futprog.p
Be-moved                we-will-be-being

On our way.

2010-07-20 02:59 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 6" into Denaden by Fa Jusifuz


(it is) as-so

Very well.

2010-07-20 02:58 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 5" into Denaden by Fa Jusifuz

An daoretum kjogere./Daoretum an kjogere./Kjogere an daoretum./Kjogere daoretum an.

An           daoretum       kjogere.
3rd.acc.s.n  to-do.ger.acc  to-think.2nd.act.imp.pres.s
to-it        done           think-you.

Daoretum       an           kjogere.
to-do.ger.acc  3rd.acc.s.n  to-think.2nd.act.imp.pres.s
done           to-it        think-you.

Kjogere                      an           daoretum.
to-think.2nd.act.imp.pres.s  3rd.acc.s.n  to-do.ger.acc
think-you                    to-it        done

Kjogere                      daoretum       an.
to-think.2nd.act.imp.pres.s  to-do.ger.acc  3rd.acc.s.n
think-you                    done           to-it
Lit. "Think it done."

Consider it done.

2010-07-20 02:56 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 4" into Denaden by Fa Jusifuz

Nula probluzum.

            Nula     probluzum.
(there-are) Not-any  problem.acc.m.p
(there-are) Not-any  problems.

No problem.

2010-07-20 02:56 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 3" into Denaden by Fa Jusifuz

An habepum.

An           habepum.
3rd.acc.s.n  to-have.1st.act.ind.pres.p
It           we-have
Lit. "We have it (the task)."

We're on it.

2010-07-20 02:55 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 2" into Denaden by Fa Jusifuz

Sin alka duwium.

Sin      alka  duwium.
without  any   doubt.nom.m.s
without  any   doubt


2010-07-20 02:54 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 1" into Denaden by Fa Jusifuz



Move out!

2010-07-20 02:54 New translation of "CIV IV: Order 0" into Denaden by Fa Jusifuz

Wen lustöis.

Wen  lustöis.
as   to-desire.2nd.act.ind.pres.s
as   you-desire

As you wish.

2010-07-20 02:52 New translation of "Happy birthday" into Denaden by Fa Jusifuz

Nateldei waellamna!/Waellamna nateldei!

         Nateldei              waellamna!
(have a) birth-day.acc.s.f  happy.acc.s.f
(have a) Day of Birth       happy!

         Waellamna      nateldei!
(have a) happy.acc.s.f  birth-day.acc.s.f
(have a) happy          Day of Birth!

Happy birthday!

2010-07-20 02:51 New translation of "Merry Christmas!" into Denaden by Fa Jusifuz

Solbnachtem waellamna!/Waellamna Solbnachtem!

         Solbnachtem           waellamna!
(have a) Christ-night.acc.s.f  happy.acc.s.f
(have a) Christ's Night        happy!

         Waellamna      Solbnachtem!
(have a) happy.acc.s.f  Christ.night.acc.s.f
(have a) happy          Christ's Night!

Merry Christmas!

2010-07-20 02:50 New translation of "Happy New Year!" into Denaden by Fa Jusifuz

Nuwannduþlium waellamna!/Waellamna Nuwannduþlium!

         Nuwannduþlium           waellamna!
(have a) new-year-feast.acc.s.m  happy.acc.s.m
(have a) New Year's Day          happy!

         Waellamna       Nuwannduþlium!
(have a) happy.acc.s.m   new-year-feast.acc.s.m
(have a) happy           New Year's Feast!

Happy New Year!

2010-07-20 02:47 New translation of "Farewell" into Denaden by Fa Jusifuz

Unmar sprau, $.

Unmar     sprau
one-more  soon
Lit. "Once again, soon."

bye $

2010-07-20 02:44 New translation of "Bottle-washing" into Denaden by Fa Jusifuz

Non flasches törge en laxtörgmeschienaem. Non törge flasches im laxtörgmeschienaem. Flasches im laxtörgmeschienaem non törge.

Non flasches           törge                        en  laxtörgmeschienaem.
No  the-flask.acc.s.f  to-clean.2nd.act.imp.pres.s  in  dish-wash-the-machine.dat.s.f
No  the-bottle         you-clean-surfaces           in  the-dishwashing-machine

Non törge                        flasches           im  laxtörgmeschienaem.
No  to-clean.2nd.act.imp.pres.s  the-flask.acc.s.f  in  dish-wash-the-machine.dat.s.f
No  you-clean-surfaces           the-bottle         in  the-dishwashing-machine

Flasches           im  laxtörgmeschienaem             non törge.
the-flask.acc.s.f  in  dish-wash-the-machine.dat.s.f  no  to-clean.2nd.act.imp.pres.s
the-bottle         in  the-dishwashing-machine        no  you-clean-surfaces

Don't wash the bottle in the dishwasher

2010-07-19 16:08 David Johnson just joined

Welcome David Johnson!

2010-07-19 13:17 Changed language: weerdoo

weerdoo by Kenneth Nyman was updated.

2010-07-19 07:16 Changed language: Denaden

Denaden by Fa Jusifus was updated.

2010-07-19 06:44 New translation of "Cogito ergo sum" into Denaden by Fa Jusifuz

Kjogero aetzic ziema

Kjogero                         aetzic   ziema
to-think.1st.act.ind.pres.s     and-so   to-be.1st.act.ind.pres.s
I-think                         and-so   I-am
"I think, therefore I am"/"Cogito ergo sum"

I think, therefore I am

2010-07-19 06:13 Changed language: Denaden

Denaden by Fa Jusifus was updated.

2010-07-19 05:54 New translation of "From the Egyptian Book of the Dead" into Denaden by Fa Jusifuz

Ziema kjit wiet adga kjit west adga kjit aeret, aet habui lischem unu dempo sekundu nauskerien. Ziema almnieas wietzak aet aufskura kjis skauwiefiet dowonz aet donad feutes ricoz zchu bargomiu βeiwerum, fillaes kuda mördie propitzietur, adga Heiþaem... Schalu! domnulum chaβaem, ke chaβas jetam kuda kintar centro Gröndu stabad. West ju os jet ziema ju os!

Ziema				kjit 		wiet 				adga 	kjit		
to-be.1st.act.ind.pres.s	what.nom.s	to-be.3rd.act.ind.perf.s	AND	what.nom.s
I-am				what		was				-and-	what

west 				adga 	kjit 		aeret,
to-be.3rd.act.ind.pres.s	AND	what.nom.s	to-be.3rd.act.ind.fut.s
is				-and-	what		will-be
"I am yesterday, today and tomorrow,"

aet 	habui 				lischem 		unu 	dempo 		sekundu 	nauskerien.
and	to-have.1st.act.ind.pres.s	ability.acc.s.f		one.m	time.dat.s.m	second.m	to-bear.pass.inf
and	I-have				the-ability		a	time		second		to-be-born
"and I have the power to be born a second time."

Ziema				almnieas 	wietzak		aet 	aufskura 	kjis
to-be.1st.act.ind.pres.s	soul.nom.s.n	holy.nom.s.n	and	hidden.nom.s.n	who.nom.s	
I-am				the-soul	holy		and	obfuscated	who

skauwiefiet 			dowonz
to-create.3rd.act.ind.perf.s	god.acc.p.s
created				the-gods
"I am the divine hidden soul who created the Gods"

aet	donad				feutes		ricoz 		zchu	bargomiu 		βeiwerum,
and	to-give.3rd.act.ind.pres.s	meal.acc.p.f	ritual.gen.s.m	to	citizen.dat.p.m		sea.gen.p.m
and	(he)-gives			meals		of ritual	to	the-citizens		of-the-seas
"and gives sepulchral meals to the denizens of the deep,"

fillaes		kuda 	mördie 		propitzietur, 			adga	Heiþaem...
home.gen.s.f	which	dead.dat.p.n	to-own.3rd.pass.ind.pres.s	AND	heaven.gen.s.f
of-the-home	which	by-the-dead	is-owned			-and-	of-heaven
"the place of the dead, and heaven..."

Schalu! 	domnulum 	chaβaem, 	ke 	chaβas 		jetam		kuda 	kintar 	centro
Greeting!	lord.voc.s.m	altar.gen.s.f	that	altar.nom.s.f	same.nom.s.f	which	within	center.dat.s.m
Hail!		O-Lord		of-the-altar	that	altar		same		which	within	the-center

Gröndu 		stabad.
Earth.gen.s.m	to-stand.3rd.act.ind.pres.s
of-the-Earth	(it)-stands
"Hail, lord of the shrine that stands in the centre of the earth."

West 				ju 		os 		jet 		ziema
to-be.3rd.act.ind.pres.s	1st.nom.s	3rd.nom.s.m	moreover	to-be.1st.act.ind.pres.s
(he)-is				I		He		and also	I-am

ju 		os.
1st.nom.s	3rd.nom.s.m
I		He
"He is I and I am He!"

I am yesterday, today and tomorrow, and I have the power to be born a second time. I am the divine hidden soul who created the Gods and gives sepulchral meals to the denizens of the deep, the place of the dead, and heaven... Hail, lord of the shrine that stands in the centre of the earth. He is I and I am he!

2010-07-19 05:37 Changed language: Denaden

Denaden by Fa Jusifus was updated.

2010-07-19 05:37 Changed language: Koalmut

Koalmut by cromulant was updated.

2010-07-19 05:36 Changed language: Denaden

Denaden by Hamlin Ortiz was updated.

2010-07-19 05:27 New language: Denaden

jusifuz added Denaden to CALS.

(And that's how you greet someone in Denaden.)

2010-07-19 03:47 hambino just joined

Welcome hambino!

2010-07-19 02:08 Changed language: Anyael

Anyael by Nyxelestia was updated.

2010-07-19 01:51 New language: Anyael

Nyxelestia added Anyael to CALS.

(And that's how you greet someone in Anyael.)

Anyael's homepage is at http://nyxelestia.livejournal.com/tag/anyael.

2010-07-19 01:25 Nyxelestia just joined

Welcome Nyxelestia!

2010-07-19 01:25 Owaah! 250 people!

Conlanger number 250 to join CALS is Nyxelestia!

2010-07-18 17:15 Changed language: Koarmut

Koarmut by cromulant was updated.

2010-07-18 15:28 Changed language: weerdoo

weerdoo by Kenneth Nyman was updated.

2010-07-18 14:07 LAMBERTErica30 just joined

Welcome LAMBERTErica30!

2010-07-16 15:14 Changed language: weerdoo

weerdoo by Kenneth Nyman was updated.

2010-07-16 14:59 Changed language: Koarmut

Koarmut by cromulant was updated.

2010-07-16 06:03 Changed language: Mu-ngora

Mu-ngora by shumai was updated.

2010-07-16 05:33 New language: Mu-ngora

shumai added Mu-ngora to CALS.

2010-07-15 21:04 Changed language: Koarmut

Koarmut by cromulant was updated.

2010-07-15 07:41 Changed language: Koar Mut

Koar Mut by cromulant was updated.

2010-07-15 07:29 New language: Koar Mut

cromulant added Koar Mut to CALS.

2010-07-14 23:39 Changed language: Xylphika

Xylphika by Ketsuban was updated.

2010-07-14 22:16 Changed language: Watteeteroxo

Watteeteroxo by Kenneth Nyman was updated.

2010-07-14 01:54 aiRo25 just joined

Welcome aiRo25!

2010-07-10 20:57 New translation of "Farewell" into TIAL by Jeff Jones


bye $

2010-07-10 20:38 Changed language: TIAL

TIAL by Jeffrey S. Jones was updated.

2010-07-10 03:32 Changed language: Spanyo

Spanyo by shumai was updated.

2010-07-10 00:11 Changed language: TIAL

TIAL by Jeffrey S. Jones was updated.

2010-07-08 13:22 MoniqueROLLINS19 just joined

Welcome MoniqueROLLINS19!

2010-07-07 05:15 Changed language: TIAL

TIAL by Jeffrey S. Jones was updated.

2010-07-07 03:37 New translation of "Farewell" into Charlchrist Spoken Launguage by Cherliu Gilchrist


bye $

2010-07-06 23:20 Changed language: Charlchrist Spoken Launguage

Charlchrist Spoken Launguage by Charlie Gilchrist was updated.

2010-07-06 23:18 Changed language: Charlchrist Spoken Language

Charlchrist Spoken Language by - was updated.

2010-07-06 22:55 New language: Charlchrist Spoken Launguage

Cherliu Gilchrist added Charlchrist Spoken Launguage to CALS.

(And that's how you greet someone in Charlchrist Spoken Launguage.)

2010-07-06 22:47 New language: Charlchrist Spoken Language

Cherliu Gilchrist added Charlchrist Spoken Language to CALS.

(And that's how you greet someone in Charlchrist Spoken Language.)

2010-07-06 22:14 Cherliu Gilchrist just joined

Welcome Cherliu Gilchrist!

2010-07-06 04:41 New translation of "#9: Borromean Relay" into TIAL by Jeff Jones

¶ hiberno le lupo birroba persono vetro o infirmo o vee juvyno ¶ hiberno le petro duro hu ningo kresce ana he fo ¶ hiberno le rostro crudelo i pinso kuto ¶ kona to, nas eska te, cikki bisalto da primavero, go balye supra terro comode pa helyo teo mamo mira kata nas i mutco floro vasurje a marko da teo podo.

hibern-o le   lup-o   bi-rob-a  person-o vetr-o o infirm-o o  vee  juvyn-o
winter-N Dst wolf-N Hab-steal-T person-N  old-N or  sick-N or very young-N

hibern-o le  petr-o  dur-o hu  ningo  kresc-e an-a he  fo
winter-N Dst rock-N hard-N Rel nothing grow-I on-T Rst End

hibern-o le rostr-o crudel-o  i   pins-o   kut-o
winter-N Dst beak-N  cruel-N and claws-N sharp-N

 kon-a to  nas esk-a te
with-T Prx 1XP ask-T 2S

cikk-i  bi-salt-o da primaver-o
 boy-V Hab-jump-N of   spring-N

go   baly-e supr-a  terr-o
Imp dance-I over-T Earth-N

    co-mod-e  pa hely-o  teo      mam-o  mir-e  kat-a nas
such-manner-I for Sun-N 2S.Pos mother-N look-I down-T 1XP

 i  mutc-o   flor-o  va-surj-e  a  mark-o da  teo    pod-o
and many-N flower-N Pro-rise-I Loc mark-N of 2S.Pos feet-N

-I	Intransitive (= monovalent)
-N	Nominalized
-T	Transitive (= bi- or tri-valent)
-V	Vocative

Winter is the wolf that takes the old, the sick, and the very young Winter is the hard rock on which nothing grows Winter is the cruel beak and the sharp talon And so we beg you, bounding boy of spring, dance over the earth So that the sun your mother will look down upon us And flowers will spring from your footsteps.

2010-07-04 22:01 Changed language: TIAL

TIAL by Jeffrey S. Jones was updated.

2010-07-04 15:19 Changed language: Miini

Miini by Kenneth Nyman was updated.

2010-07-03 22:11 Changed language: TIAL

TIAL by Jeffrey S. Jones was updated.

2010-07-02 17:40 Changed language: Nipmel

Nipmel by Kenneth Nyman was updated.

2010-07-01 05:43 Changed language: Nejadish

Nejadish by James Seamus, Benjamin Schwantner was updated.

2010-07-01 04:08 Changed language: TIAL

TIAL by Jeffrey S. Jones was updated.

2010-07-01 02:25 Changed language: Nejadish

Nejadish by James Seamus, Benjamin Schwantner was updated.