« October November December »
2009-11-29 23:40 Changed language: Buruya Nzaysa
- Buruya Nzaysa by cedh audmanh was updated.
2009-11-29 23:40 Changed language: Buruya Nzaysa
- Buruya Nzaysa by cedh audmanh was updated.
2009-11-29 23:39 New language: Buruya Nzaysa
cedh audmanh added Buruya Nzaysa to CALS.
Buruya Nzaysa's homepage is at http://www.superlush.co.uk/~akana/index.php/Buruya_Nzaysa.
2009-11-29 10:53 Yagia just joined
Welcome Yagia!
2009-11-28 17:34 New translation of "Yesterday's boys" into Lhueslue by Qwynegold
Eeq qae-yif aed weq ra laj Karhl ach Djeik.
Ee-q qae-yif aed we-q ra laj Karhl ach Djeik. is-PAST yesterday as.opposed.to.something.else see-PAST boy 1SG.N Karl and Jake
The boys whom I saw yesterday were Karl and Jake
2009-11-28 17:19 New translation of "Travelphrases 1" into Lhueslue by Qwynegold
Sùej eeng chuloung eev laj jèng?
Sùej eeng chuloung eev laj jèng? INT is room GEN 1SG.N where
Where is my room?
2009-11-28 05:03 neurose just joined
Welcome neurose!
2009-11-28 02:00 Abi just joined
Welcome Abi!
2009-11-26 00:43 Changed language: Manich
- Manich by itzal was updated.
2009-11-25 22:27 New language: Manich
itzal added Manich to CALS.
2009-11-25 20:57 Changed language: Mae
- Mae by itzal was updated.
2009-11-22 18:02 emptyeyed just joined
Welcome emptyeyed!
2009-11-22 03:02 Changed language: Torena
- Torena by ekobor was updated.
2009-11-22 00:42 New language: Torena
ekobor added Torena to CALS.
2009-11-21 11:11 New translation of "Genesis 11:5" into Taruven by kaleissin
aò jahel xušvuašra letšahra gaìn-taniaòið þyóryra terraaìna talið
aò jah-el xušvu=aš-ra le-tšah-ra gaìn-tani-aò-ið and.then God-EXP descend-EXP-PST SS-see-PST city-tower-and-BEN conj n-NS.case v-VSuf-VSuf VPref-vexp-VSuf n-n-conj-NSuf þyó-ry-ra terra=aì=na tal-ið make-this-PST Earth-people.of-some REL-BEN vt-n-VSuf Name-n-NSuf S-NSuf
5. And the LORD came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded.
2009-11-18 19:41 darin.arrick just joined
Welcome darin.arrick!
2009-11-17 19:58 im_dario just joined
Welcome im_dario!
2009-11-17 13:38 New translation of "Genesis 11:2" into Taruven by kaleissin
tsar yn džinra lyèhsvu leševa šaỳamrues šinariaeres aò letšēras ryes
tsar yn džin -ra lyèhs -vu le- ševa šaỳam -ru -es when 3p travel -PST east -LOC.towards SS- go plain,field -LOC.g -LOC n pro v -VSuf n -NSuf VP.2- v n -NSuf -Suf šinar =ia -es -es aò le- tšēras ry -es Shinar -place.of -LOC -LOC and.then SS- settle that -LOC Name -n -Suf -Suf conj VP.2- vt n -Suf
2. And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar; and they dwelt there.
2009-11-17 03:18 Changed language: Angosey
- Angosey by Daniel Bowman was updated.
2009-11-16 17:41 Changed language: Avorenta
- Avorenta by Répai Attila was updated.
2009-11-16 17:41 Changed language: Avorenta
- Avorenta by Répai Attila was updated.
2009-11-16 17:38 New translation of "Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights" into Avorenta by Karavilkas
Forven mínâl ö-rión migat főr et anigêt uruddagánum e juvassum ájd. I míne, rázum e śamorollánum ájdix, ellanen bidál fódio lájch epízenest.
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
2009-11-16 17:35 New translation of "The Tower of Babel" into Avorenta by Karavilkas
I h-elón’ Edzúr elum errákum et elu h-encóru h-ájdó. Ênnil nőgir oggefinestó, Śińáris lannor nágest a bós entrelannum e hatt diflázestó. Śe cárest ellanáj: “¡Fimminz, dífenz berikku het únűrenz u feltat!" I berikkum tildestúnoj, i beśtum roêndájgánoj iskidestó. Lapte śe cárest: “¡Ejja, tildenz dúnum e tijórum, follis refitt il eskálti h-ám! Oftájnenz fendáj missum, e gin igestréjenz il Edzúror!” Lájk i h-Allas difortó, ćo gefűloz i dúnum et i tijórum, follum i míne tildestó. Śe laum: “Révinz, ill an fox e h-an errákum límest. Ill or i h-úzán i ves ferkis. Ipte freńńa son rá démaneńńa váj, follis rekkarvelánum ogelorronstá. ¡Illad ortanz dif e dichtanz têr i ves errákum, ćo qweńńa gin sinoz i lojgis errákum!" I h-Allas fixi h-igestroj veum hatti l-elón’ Edzúror, et inasófen lájchestó hi dúnis tildán. Illad mísontu la Bábeláj, dé l-Allas hatt têrdichtó l-elón’ Edzúris errákum e hatti h- igestrojüst i h-Allas i h-elón’ Edzúror.
And all the earth had one language and one tongue. And it came about that in their wandering from the east, they came to a stretch of flat country in the land of Shinar, and there they made their living-place. And they said one to another, Come, let us make bricks, burning them well. And they had bricks for stone, putting them together with sticky earth. And they said, Come, let us make a town, and a tower whose top will go up as high as heaven; and let us make a great name for ourselves, so that we may not be wanderers over the face of the earth. And the Lord came down to see the town and the tower which the children of men were building. And the Lord said, See, they are all one people and have all one language; and this is only the start of what they may do: and now it will not be possible to keep them from any purpose of theirs. Come, let us go down and take away the sense of their language, so that they will not be able to make themselves clear to one another. So the Lord God sent them away into every part of the earth: and they gave up building their town. So it was named Babel, because there the Lord took away the sense of all languages and from there the Lord sent them away over all the face of the earth.
2009-11-16 17:31 New translation of "Happy birthday" into Avorenta by Karavilkas
¡Éjti főrtikum!
Happy birthday!
2009-11-16 17:27 New translation of "From the Egyptian Book of the Dead" into Avorenta by Karavilkas
Iss re hi gürra, i píl et i hatas, e warífe dauxoj gefőren. Iss re l-onće qwité gazúg, laqwin i h-allazu fettó t-edzúrogoffau hekku dont i bőregáns, i bowévisse h-iśtes et il eskálagenirs bílióno... Agêtútiz, mín il omenidas, lafor il edzúrs pittio h-est. ¡Hog - iss, et iss - hog!
I am yesterday, today and tomorrow, and I have the power to be born a second time. I am the divine hidden soul who created the Gods and gives sepulchral meals to the denizens of the deep, the place of the dead, and heaven... Hail, lord of the shrine that stands in the centre of the earth. He is I and I am he!
2009-11-16 17:09 New translation of "Fight linguistic extinction!" into Avorenta by Karavilkas
T'eltoppon i h-errakúbowán inau. Fettiz ad errak!
Fight linguistic extinction. Invent a language!
2009-11-16 17:03 New translation of "Farewell" into Avorenta by Karavilkas
Ájfűlán / Ćüs
bye $
2009-11-16 17:01 New translation of "Cogito ergo sum" into Avorenta by Karavilkas
Elorringe, fixi h-étte.
I think, therefore I am
2009-11-16 16:56 Changed language: Avorenta
- Avorenta by Répai Attila was updated.
2009-11-16 16:38 Changed language: Old Adpihi
- Old Adpihi by eldin raigmore was updated.
2009-11-16 16:38 Changed language: Old Adpihi
- Old Adpihi by eldin raigmore was updated.
2009-11-15 20:17 Changed language: Avorenta
- Avorenta by Répai Attila was updated.
2009-11-15 19:25 New language: Avorenta
Karavilkas added Avorenta to CALS.
Avé avorenta! (And that's how you greet someone in Avorenta.)
Avorenta's homepage is at http://avorenta.uw.hu/.
2009-11-15 19:16 Karavilkas just joined
Welcome Karavilkas!
2009-11-15 10:25 Changed language: SIAL
- SIAL by Jeffrey S. Jones was updated.
2009-11-15 08:31 New language: SIAL
qiihoskeh added SIAL to CALS.
ave SIAL! (And that's how you greet someone in SIAL.)
2009-11-14 11:24 wilkins just joined
Welcome wilkins!
2009-11-14 07:26 Changed language: Aveata
- Aveata by Justin R Logan was updated.
2009-11-14 07:26 Changed language: Aveata
- Aveata by Justin R Logan was updated.
2009-11-14 07:26 New language: Aveata
froogleyboy added Aveata to CALS.
Zhabedi Aveata! (And that's how you greet someone in Aveata.)
2009-11-14 06:49 Changed language: Me Nin
- Me Nin by itzal was updated.
2009-11-14 05:20 froogleyboy just joined
Welcome froogleyboy!
2009-11-14 01:05 Changed language: Me Nin
- Me Nin by itzal was updated.
2009-11-13 18:17 shirkamisamyogai just joined
Welcome shirkamisamyogai!
2009-11-13 09:22 Changed language: Taruven
- Taruven by kaleissin was updated.
2009-11-13 09:22 Changed language: Taruven
- Taruven by kaleissin was updated.
2009-11-05 22:25 Changed language: Langam
- Langam by Veoler was updated.
2009-11-05 22:25 Changed language: Langam
- Langam by Veoler was updated.
2009-11-02 23:46 New translation of "Fight linguistic extinction!" into Seisvakl by itzal
itʃinɛn svaksvɑtsɑkʎi sɛn. itʃiʃɛn insvakʎɑ!
ᐃᓇᓱᔅᐧᐯᔾᐯᒻᑭᔾᐃᐧᒍᔅ ᐃᓇᓗᔅᐧᔐᐯᔾᐁ i tʃi nɛn svakl svɑt tsɑkʎ i sɛn VERBAL INCEPTIVE ASPECT fight sound system science ATTRIBUTE end i tʃi ʃɛn in svakʎ ɑ create one sound EMPHATIC
Fight linguistic extinction. Invent a language!
2009-11-02 23:40 Changed language: Isitya
- Isitya by Syoci was updated.
2009-11-02 23:40 Changed language: Isitya
- Isitya by Syoci was updated.
2009-11-02 23:21 New language: Isitya
Syoci added Isitya to CALS.
E yo! Isitya! (And that's how you greet someone in Isitya.)
2009-11-02 23:17 Syoci just joined
Welcome Syoci!
2009-11-02 01:29 New translation of "Bottle-washing" into Seisvakl by itzal
ikɛs ʃɑkɛkʎɛt iʃ tɑtʃnɑnkɛs ɛ
ᐃᑕᒡᐧᓕᑕᔪᒻᐧᐃᓪᐧᒥᓐᓯᔅᑕᒡᐧᐊ ᐃ ᑕᒡ ᓕᑕ ᔪᒻ ᐃᓪ ᒥᓐ ᓯᔅ ᑕᒡ ᐊ i kɛs ʃɑkɛ kʎɛt iʃ tɑtʃ nɑn kɛs ɛ VERBAL cleanliness thin container in alive object cleanliness NEGATION
Don't wash the bottle in the dishwasher
2009-11-01 22:07 Changed language: Seisvakl
- Seisvakl by itzal was updated.